Preparing for a Hurricane

Preparing for a hurricane is second nature to me having lived in central Florida for nearly forty years. Most anyone who has lived in a hurricane-prone area knows the routine well. During hurricane season, most of us are already prepared because we know that even at the beginning of the season a hurricane can develop at just about anytime.

Those who wait until the last minute to get the supplies they need have to face the panicked, last-minute shoppers, long lines, depleted supplies, and hectic traffic. When it comes to hurricanes, you must be prepared early.

The supplies you need depend largely on your circumstances. If you’re a business owner, you’ll need to board up your business, which means buying a sufficient amount of plywood, nails and duct tape. If a direct hit is predicted for your area, you’ll have to anticipate flooding, which entails moving important items and machinery off the floor.

For the home owner, plywood will be needed to protect windows. Sandbags need to be filled and ready in order to help prevent water from entering the home. A three-day supply of food and water should be stored for each member of the household. Since power outages are common during hurricanes, the food has to be that which doesn’t require refrigeration.

And since you may be without power for a few days, you’ll need battery operated lights with an ample supply of batteries. If you invest in a generator, make sure you have a sufficient amount of gasoline. And gasoline is another precious commodity during a hurricane. Keep the gas tank in your automobile full.

With major hurricanes, you may face the possibility of having to evacuate. Hurricanes are so very fickle and they can be predicted to to miss your area then in a matter of only a few hours, they can turn. Be ready to get out. When a major hurricane is still a good way away, this is when you should start preparing for evacuation. If you have pets, you need to make arrangements for them.

It is essential that you have your car gassed up, your route planned, suitcases packed with enough clothing for at least three days, and an ample amount of cash. Let friends and family know where you are heading in the event of a separation. Remember to take your cell phone along with the charger and make sure to pack any medications you may be taking.

Keep in mind that hopefully, you will be returning once the hurricane passes, and likely as not, there won’t be any electricity for a few days. If you’ve planned ahead, you will come back to the supplies you gathered before the storm hit. Those who didn’t stock their supplies will face flooded homes and businesses, empty store shelves, and several closed businesses due to no electricity.

Preparing your home and making arrangements to ensure your physical safety is a wise thing to do. However, whether it’s a hurricane or a drunk driver, no one is guaranteed another day of life. Therefore, preparing for the body before first preparing for the soul is foolish.

Jesus said, “no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)

Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. (Rev. 3:20)

In summary, if you live in a hurricane-prone area, the things you need to consider are that you may be without power for several days. Store shelves will be empty of food and water. Therefore, think of what you’ll need to get by for at least three days, which is basically, food, water, and lights. And if you have to evacuate, your supplies will be waiting for you when you return. But first and foremost;

Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. (James 4:8)