
A Case for the Multiverse Theory

I have believed for a while now that our universe came from something preceding. I cannot imagine otherwise. I also believe that we either live in a multiverse(more likely) or one that renews possessing different laws with each succession. My reasoning for this is that it appears we live in a universe tuned to be able to “stand on its own”, further tuned for life, and even further, intelligent life.

Everywhere you look there are a seeming near infinity of “miracles” that had to be just right for these things to happen, especially all at once as in the universe within which we live.   I once read somewhere that if the ratio of the strong nuclear force to the weak nuclear force(or something like that) were off by 1 part in hundred thousand, or maybe millions, atoms would indeed be unstable and unable to form, and this, is but one example.

 At first glance it may seem like intelligent design had a hand in that business for sure, and if you look around, there are literally thousands of things that had to be “just right” for us to be here, so it follows that there must be a God right?

For a short while I entertained the idea that our universe was a “class project” with the goal being for students to make a universe that could first, stably exist on its own, and then farther, harbor intelligent life. You’d have to be a pretty darn “fart smeller” to create such a thing, harder by far even than quantum theory, or molecular biology, or even mere rocket science!

With seriously doubting the implications of a “creator” imposing “intelligent design”, and referring back to the: “then who created God?” Posit, suddenly feeling mundane, I quickly dismissed the idea.

Then it hit me suddenly.  People are stymied, and intimidated by very large numbers and quantities, but nature has no problems there at all.    Pi, for instance is a ratio that never repeats, infinitely. Compared to ourselves, nature shows lavish, exuberant abundance everywhere.  As humans, we have terrible problems even finding enough energy while our sun produces a gazillion times more than we could ever possibly use every second of it’s existence.  No one in his right mind would dare ask for so much energy, it just wouldn’t be safe!  Also, our sun pales in comparison to other dangers out there and is but one inconceivably small speck in the grand scheme that is our universe.

Notice I italicized the words “our universe”.  That’s where the hint lies.  Just realizing that nature abounds with very large numbers, no problem, it should be easy to make the “leap”.  Why should ours be the only single solitary universe there is?  Why not millions?  Why not, “gazillions” then?  If for any reason, be it physics, or mathematics, anything at all, should object to this, even however so slightly, please stand forward.  No takers? Good.

My theory is that universes form constantly and in countless numbers. OK, maybe “constantly” is not a necessary criterion since we humans are also “time biased” with our short life spans. Nature can hold its breath for a trillion years without noticing a thing.

 Whichever the case, “countless numbers” is key.  I think that within these vast numbers probably lie universes that ceased to exist immediately after being born due to instability.  Their inherent “laws” just didn’t work out so they just simply collapsed into “nothingness”.

Or maybe a universe was still born, and just sat there doing nothing. An unbelievably boring place for sure, but no one is bothered by that kind because no one lives there to care.

Some universes are lively, highly energetic places where an unimaginable menagerie of things happen all the time, but they are exactly as boring as the previous ones because the “prerequisites” for intelligent, “aware” life were not in place there either.

It is only within those extremely unlikely, and incredibly small percentage numbers of universes that intelligent life exists which is capable of wondering how in the world we happened to get so lucky to be here, and in all the myriad of others, no one is there to contemplate or care just how lucky we are in ours, wishing they were here, but oh how extremely lucky we are indeed!