Exploring the Possibility of Parallel Universes

What if there was other versions of ourselves doing different things from what we are doing now?

What if there were parallel universes?

As a keen hobby scientist I like to read books and articles on Physics including those on Parallel universe theory.

A multiverse is the hypothetical set of multiple possible universes all different from each other some more so than others. The universes within the multiverse are referred to as parallel universes

If parallel universes exist there could be millions of them and more being created every time one of use makes a decision.

There are many theories about Parallel Universes out there.

According to Max Tegmark the existence of other universes is a direct implication of cosmological observations.

The idea that there could be parallel universes comes from Quantum Theory. It is known as the many-worlds interpretation. Many-worlds claims to resolve all the “paradoxes” of quantum theory because it shows that all possible outcomes to every event exists in its own world. In layman’s terms it says there are an infinite number of universes. It is theoretically possible under the Many-Worlds interpretation that every choice a person makes will result in one or more new universes being created.

In a parallel universe lots of things could be the same with just a few subtle differences like you could just be doing a different job, or they could be completely different like Germany won the second world war.

It has been proposed that a wormhole could connect our reality with another. A worm hole is a theoretical connection between a black hole and a theoretical white hole. A wormhole that joins two different universes is known as the Einstein-Rosen bridge. It is one of the most fascinating concepts in theoretical physics.

A Einstein-Rosen bridge is a very exciting concept that little is known about. This is due to there being no white holes to observe and black holes are not very easy to detect.

Science fiction shows have always used the idea of parallel worlds none more so than Sliders that was based around the idea.

The idea of parallel universes can go hand in hand with that of time travel. If you could go back in time and change the past it would effect the future (your present). To counter act the paradox that could occur a parallel reality could be created and run simultaneously along side your own original time line.