Is Time Real or Relative – Real

1.01 Is time real or relative? Time is the movement of matter in space and is real. All matter in space is moving in relation to other matter in space. All objects are in relation to the center of the Universe. Therefore, time is both real and relative in all the Universe.

1.02 The terms “real” and “relative” are not anonyms (words opposite in meaning). The explanation is not a “yes” or “no” answer, but requires a definition of “real” and “relative” with many ramifications.

2.01 Real: existing or happening as or in fact; actual, true, etc.; not merely seeming, pretended, imagined, fictitious, nominal, or ostensible.

2.02 (a) authentic; genuine (b) not pretended; sincere.

2.03. n. anything that actually exists, or reality in general.

3.01 The opposite of “real” would be imaginary, pretended, fictitious; not actually existing.

4.01 Relative: adj. 1 related each to the other; dependent upon or referring to each other (to stay in the same relative positions)

4.02 Meaningful only in relationship; not absolute (cold is a relative term)

4.03 relative to: relevant to; concerning; about.

5.01 Definition of “time”. There are many variations of time.Time always has a relationship to space. Following explanations show that “Time is space with matter in motion.”

5.02 Relationship between Space and Time. Space-Time Continuum.

5.03 Space-Time Continuum (B*) In Albert Einstein’s theories of relativity (1905, 1916), space and time are regarded to be a single unit. Most people thought there was no connection between space and time.

5.04 Albert Einstein stated that whenever matter and/or energy are present – space is curved. This reinforces the author’s principle that all mass in space is spinning.

6.01 I will now use logic to show that recorded time is actually the movement of matter in space. Imagine you are 75 years old. Imagine you want to be 25 years old. It is obvious: You have to move backward all activities and movements that occurred between age 75 and age 25.

6.02 This includes all movements in your physical body. With its complexity of tissues, cells, molecules, atoms – your physical body is effecting millions of changes per moment. Changing of space is what is termed “aging”.

7.01 Since we live in the Solar System and the Milky Way Galaxy, all movements of the Solar System and the Milky Way Galaxy – would also have to move backward 50 years.

7.02 In one of the movies (imaginary), Superman was given instructions by his father – not to move the Earth and Time backward. But he did – in order to save Lois Lane.

7.03 Now, imagine that the Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy and your physical body remained absolutely without movement. There would be no progression of time.

8.01 Life – by definition involves time and movement. Definition of animate: “To give life to; bring to life. To stimulate to action or creative effort; inspire. To give motion to.”

8.02 Division of cells involves movement: There must be some form of the masculine combining with the feminine for reproduction and growth. Even in the dividing of simple cell amoeba, one end would be regarded as masculine, the other as feminine.

8.03 In essence, there must be a positive and a negative – even though it may be in the same body or object. It is an established fact that most all male and female animals have a combination of masculine and feminine genes.

8.04 Division of cells carrying genes involves movement – which fosters reproduction.

9.01 Movement always involves change. Most have heard the expression or song: “Time has made a change in the old home place”. Even in the state of what is termed death, cells are decaying – which involves movement.

9.02 It is obvious that time does not exist without the movement of matter in space and is actually space with matter in motion. Creation of the basic particles of matter have continually occurred in Eternity Past, are now occurring and will continue to occur without end in Eternity Future. Therefore, time always existed and always will exist.

10.01 Scientists and religious leaders have espoused a wide variety of views. Isaac Newton’s guess for the age of the Universe was only a few thousand years. Isaac Newton was mainly influenced by the religious teaching of that day.

11.01 People of various religions believe that the accounts of creation, the development and history of mankind given in their various religious books are accurate. They insist that the text of their religious books are inerrant – having been spoken by God to their prophet.

11.02 Most people want to believe their religious teachings from the fear of death – with the threat of hell for those who do not believe and the promise of heaven for those who believe. But their beliefs are merely wishful thinking.

12.01 Fred Hoyle, Thomas Gold and Hermann Bondi, in 1948 developed the Steady State theory, also known as the Infinite Universe theory and continuous creation.

12.02 This theory has part of the answer – but does not explain how the basic particles of matter are created.

12.03 It proposes that matter is being continuously created, at the rate of a few hundred atoms per year. This was supposed to allow the density of the Universe to remain constant as it expands.

13.01 Einstein, the developer of the General Theory of Relativity, believed that the Universe was ageless and eternal.

13.02 A beginning would demand explanation of a cause. If there were no previous event, there could be no explanation of the cause. Therefore, the Universe is ageless and eternal. Time always existed.

14.01 Common general terms for periods of time are: Past, Present and Future. Other terminology would be Eternity Past, Recorded Time, Eternity Future.

15.01 A relationship may be so distant as to not be evident. You have a relationship to grandparents that would be hundreds of generations in the past – even though you may not have a direct knowledge of this relationship.

16.01 All periods of time are both real and relative. Definitions and divisions of the various periods of time are given in following paragraphs to promote understanding that time is both real and relative.

17.01 Day: (1a) the period of light between sunrise and sunset (b) daylight (c) sunshine.

17.02 (2a) the 24-hour period (mean solar day) that it takes the earth to rotate once on its axis with respect to the sun: the civil or legal day is from midnight to midnight, the astronomical day from noon to noon.

18.01 Sidereal day: the time between two successive passages of the vernal equinox across the meridian: it measures one rotation of the earth and equals 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.1 seconds of mean solar time.

19.01 Sidereal month: the time required for the moon to complete one revolution around the earth with respect to a fixed star: its average value is 27.32 days of mean solar time.

20.01 Year (1) n. a period of 365 days (in leap year, 366 days) divided into 12 months and regarded in the Gregorian calendar as beginning Jan. 1 and ending the following Dec. 31 b) a period of more or less the same length in other calendars

21.01 Solar year: the period (365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds of mean solar time) spent by the sun in making its apparent passage from vernal equinox to vernal equinox: the year of the seasons: also tropical year or equinoctial year.

22.01 Sidereal year: the period (365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, and 9.54 seconds of mean solar time) spent by the sun in its apparent passage from a fixed star and back to the same position again: it is the true period of the earth’s revolution, and the difference in time between this and the tropical year is due to the precession of the equinoxes.

23.01 Lunar year: a period of 12 lunar months, as in the Jewish calendar.

24.01 Anomalistic year: the period of time occupied by any planet in making one complete revolution from perihelion to perihelion: for the Earth, this period is 365 days, 6 hours, 13 minutes, and 53 seconds: it is slightly longer than the sidereal year due to the extra time needed to reach an advancing perihelion, the lag being caused by the gravitational pull of the other planets.