I am a Tree Hugger after all

I use to work for a landscaping company a long time ago. I remember being told that I spent too much time outside, that the sun must surely be getting to my brain and frying it. Solely because, I am a tree hugger. Every arguement I got into was for the earth. I mean seriously, I did not know or think of myself as one. One day I got into an arguement with my boss, who really got into motorcycles, technology and mechanics. I told him that although leaf blowers are quick they are unnessacary. Well this set him off, he said that I was a tree hugger. I thought back to all the days I had spent outside as a child, and I smiled and said,”Perhaps I am.”
He really thought I had lost my mind. For the rest of the day, I thought of how the sun gently warmed me up on the way to school on frosty mornings. I remembered climbing trees and laughing with my sister when the wind swayed the trees. I recalled the wild flowers growing in my back yard, and sour grass growing there.
Looking back I had always been a wild child. I stayed most of my early years outside hiding under sunflowers,back then I was a very small child. My grandmother use to say that I was so small that surely I was a fairy in her garden.
I never thought that the forests would disapear, and I do love my air conditioner. I have never strapped myself to a tree daring the Lumberjacks to stop cutting down the trees. I use to laugh at the news when other people suggested we park our cars. Until one day, the trees began to be yanked out in favor of concrete.
Then I knew for sure Greenpeace might have something going for them after all. Watching polar bears drown, losing their hunting grounds began to sadden me here lately. Back in the 1970’s we had to cut back on energy and water usage everyday, and popular science magazine warned of global warming.
It seems they may be right after all. But still here we are drilling more and more for oil, with no end in sight. People who walk down the street powered by their own energy are an endangered species. where will it all end? So now I am a tree hugger and proud of it, if it will save this earth.
I want my grandchildren to play outside in the shade and protection of the trees. I want them to be able to see the lady bugs and glow bugs on warm summer nights. And if they are able to find wild honey this surely will be a plus. I am not much on violence, I don’t see burning down buildings as a way to preserve this earth, but I do think we could park our cars a couple of days a week and use natural energy our own.
Trees are the guardians of the earth,and they do more than just provide us shade on a hot summer day. They provide most of the oxygen this earth needs to survive. They hold soil to stop erosion, but most important of all they provide a place for wildlife to thrive.
If we don’t do something we will be the last wildlife on this earth,and so being a tree hugger is not so bad after all.