How to Survive an Earthquake

If you live in an earthquake zone earthquakes can happen at any time without any warnings. Knowing what to do during an earthquake is very important, but planning ahead in the case there is an earthquake is also very important.

As stated above no one knows when an earthquake will strike, but if one happens it is very important to remain calm, and quickly go and stay under heavy tables or desks. Tables ad desks are very strong and can withstand very large objects on them without collapsing, this does not include glass tables, because they are very fragile and will not protect anyone. Also when entering unknown buildings identify these objects, and never use the elevator during an earthquake because the power will run out. If you are not near where a desk or a table is located always stay under doorways, because their frame is reinforced and will collapse last giving you a chance to stay safe until help arrives. Also if you are at home during an earthquake it is very important to know where the main gas shut off valve is. This can prevent major fires from happening. 

One of the most important things is to train the children on how to react in the case of any earthquake. Most of the time children do not understand the danger, therefore emphasizing how danger an earthquake can be is very important. This can be done at their schools where they have earthquake drills, and at home. The most important part of the children’s training is at home, because schools are designed to withstand earthquakes and have strong desks present everywhere for the children to hide. Where residential houses or apartments meet only the minimum requirements set by the building codes, they are not as strong against earthquakes. So training the children how to react during an earthquake when they are in the house is very important.

Well you survived the earthquake and your house is damaged, now what? That’s why planning ahead is very important. Keeping at home essentials such as water, batteries, dry foods, flash lights and blankets will help survive the earthquake aftermath. After an earthquake there will be no power, water or gas, and there will be other houses that might be more damaged than yours, therefore the help will go to them first. It might be a few days sometimes before help arrives, and having planed ahead will make a huge difference. One of the most important and cheapest emergency supplies you can have is water. Humans cannot survive without water, and water can stay for a long period of time without going bad. Also a lot of stores sell earthquake survival kits that have everything someone needs to survive. As earthquakes do not happen very often it is very important to periodically inspect the emergency supplies to see if they are still good, or they need to be replaced.