How To Find A Purpose In Life In EVERY Area – Personal Template!

The template I’ve created above is a proven process that will establish the foundation how to find a purpose in life in every area in your life you can think of.

Statistics show a majority of the population spends more time planning a vacation then they do planning their life. I’m confident this stems from not having a clear vision; and the lack of vision is a symptom of self-worth. In order to ensure a healthy self-worth, we must first master relationship with self.

It’s important you complete the exercises in the order they are in. I’m going to take you through a mental exercise program that will begin with relationship mastery and end with life purpose mastery. By the time you have completed life purpose mastery you should have a clear picture and a roadmap for your life vision and purpose!

There is one more key component, and maybe the most important component of all, and that is finding someone to hold you ACCOUNTABLE! Without this, I can almost guarantee you’ll struggle to realize your full potential. This person should not be a family member. Find someone that will provide tough love and will not buy-into your excuses. We all make excuses, it’s important we only make excuses to be successful!


Establishing a Healthy Self-Image

When there are significant life goals and objectives we’d like to accomplish or achieve, why is it we struggle at times to see these goals and objectives become reality? Chances are we don’t really believe we are worthy or deserving, hence, we have established a poor self-image.  My experience in coaching people all these years has proven that most of the worthiness issues stem from our childhood. Depending on the status of your self-image, this is an area that can take time and professional help to breakthrough areas of sabotage in order to realize your full potential. Here is the good news. To begin the journey of establishing a healthy self-image, we first need to address any limiting beliefs, old programs or other factors running through your mind that could be holding you back from reaching your full potential.

Going through these exercises will allow you to identify any past and present self-limiting beliefs; thoughts and other factors that may be sabotaging you in different areas of your life.

Self-Limiting Thoughts and Beliefs (Below are examples of self-limiting thoughts and beliefs)

“I’m a good giver, but not a good receiver.”“If I ask for help, people will think I am weak.”

“Money can cause a lot of problems.”

“It’s not right to make more money than my parents.”

“It takes money to make money.”

“That didn’t work at one time, so I’ll never do it again.”

“Having a lot of money will make me less spiritual”

“Striving for wealth won’t allow much time to enjoy life.”

“To be rich, you have to take advantage of other people.”

“I’m too unhealthy to ever achieve good health again.”

“I’m not good at managing my finances.”

“I don’t have the time to be successful.”

“I failed at that before, so I gave up.”

“I’m not good enough.”

“I’m not that smart.”

“I could never look that good.”

“I’ll never amount to anything.”

“Life is hard.”

“I wish I could do that.”

“Everyone else is lucky.”

“I am a failure.”

“Money is the root of all evil.”

“Getting rich is for other people.”

“Being rich means you’re greedy.”

Do any of these self-limiting thoughts and beliefs sound familiar? If so, circle them. Below, make an additional list of any other limiting beliefs from your past or present.




Relationship Mastery – Continued

Now, let’s take a look at some of the limiting beliefs that others may have imposed on you.

“Why do you want to do that?”

“We were poor growing up, and you’ll never make that kind of money.”

“You don’t have the proper education.”

“Stop dreaming and get into reality.”

“Why are you wasting time with that business? Get a real job.”

“You’re too young (or too old).”

“You must have a college degree to get a good job.”

“Your brother/sister is smarter than you.”

“We can’t afford that.”

“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”

“You’re a loser.”

Do some of these phrases sound familiar? If so, circle them. Below make an additional list of any other limiting beliefs you’ve heard from others.




Now make a list of those people in your life from the past and present who may be imposing their limiting beliefs on you. This could be family members, business and professional associates, a spouse, teachers, your boss, friends, etc.




List the names of the people you spend the most time with. This may be a separate list or could include some from the list above.





Core Values solidify mindset and provide clarity around goals and life purpose.

On the next two pages (in alphabetical order) you’ll will find a list of personal descriptor words that you can use when deciding upon your top 10 core values and words that describe what you stand for, or aspire to become. Core values can change from time to time, although, I would choose 5 out of the 10 that are unwavering and never change. These 5 core values will help you manage your life on a day to day basis.

List of Core Values, Beliefs, and What You Stand For:

Accessibility Faith Money Selfishness
Accomplishment Fame Non-violence Seriousness
Accountability Family Nurturing Service
Accuracy Fate Openness Sexuality
Achievement Health-Self Opportunity Simplicity
Adventure Flair Optimism Sincerity
Aspiration Force Patriotism Skill
Attitude Free will Peace Solidarity
Authenticity Freedom Perfection Speed
Authority Fun Performance Spirituality
Autonomy Generosity Persistence Stability
Beauty Giving/charity Personal growth Standardization
Challenge God Philosophy Status
Change Goodness Pioneer spirit Strength
Chastity/Purity Gratitude Pleasure Style
Cleanliness Hard work Popularity Success
Collaboration Harmony Positive attitude Support
Commitment Heritage Power Systemization
Communication Heroism Practicality Teamwork
Community Honesty Preservation Tolerance
Competence Honor Prestige Tradition
Competition Hope Pride Tranquility
Concern Humor Privacy Trust
Conformity Improvement Prosperity/wealth Truth
Conviction Inclusiveness Punctuality Utility
Cooperation Influence Purity Variety
Courage Inner peace Quality Well-being


Creativity Innovation Rationality Wealth
Customer Integrity Recognition Wellness
Decisiveness Intuition Regularity Wisdom
Democracy Involvement Rehabilitation
Determination Joy Reliability
Discipline Justice Resourcefulness
Discovery Knowledge Respect
Diversity Leadership Responsibility
Duty Learning Responsiveness
Education Leisure Results-oriented
Efficiency Love-care Risk-taking
Empowerment Love-concern Rootedness
Equality Love-romance Rule of law
Excellence Loyalty Safety
Experience Meaning Satisfying others
Expression Merit Security
Fairness Mobility Self-reliance

List your top 10 core values below:

6. _______________________________________7. _______________________________________

8. _______________________________________

9. _______________________________________

10. ______________________________________







Turning Goals into Reality

Two key reasons most people struggle with setting and achieving goals are: a) they have yet to identify and eliminate their limiting beliefs. b) Getting crystal clear on their core values.

Now that you have identified any limiting beliefs, and have established your top ten core values, you’re ready to set some specific goals.   In doing so, we need to first establish the WHY behind your goals. The WHY is the fuel that drives the actions needed to achieve your goals.

One of the secrets to achieving everything you desire is to establish a “BEING” mindset. It’s all about becoming the person you are destined to “Be”. This process is otherwise known as Be-Do-Have.

Be-Do-Have is the natural way of getting what you desire. We have to “Be” the person first, and then take the appropriate action “Do”, and then we will “Have” what we desire.

“Do” the action steps needed to “Be” the person you want to “Be.” That starts with first making a DECISION, then COMMITTING to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals.

Remember, success comes from internal happiness – “Being.”

“Be” the person you want to be first, and the rest will follow.

Setting Goals

When writing down your goals, it is important to phrase them in the NOW. Remember, a goal not written down is just a dream.

When writing down your goals, make sure they are…

  • Emotional
  • Specific
  • Written in the present, as if you have already achieved them
  • Realistic and right for you
  • use words like “why”, “have,” “enjoy,” “allow,” “humbled,” and “I am”
  • Stay away from negative words like “want,” “debt,” “owe,” “can’t,” “try,” and “hope”

Goal Setting Mastery – Continued

Sample Goal Statements

Social and Community:

  • I am humbled by the (charities/causes) I support.
  • Giving away _____ % of my monthly income makes me feel good!
  • Why do I find it so easy to pay-it-forward?
  • Donating ________ hours to my favorite cause makes me feel whole


  • I’m enjoying the perfect monthly income.
  • I have $_________ coming in every month from my business/career.
  • I own $__________ in real estate.
  • Why do I find it so easy to invest ____% in a wealth building account?
  • Why do I find it so easy to achieve my financial goals?


  • Why do I find it so easy loving myself?
  • Why do I find it so easy investing 5% of my monthly income into my personal and professional development account?
  • Why do I find it so easy to have positive/healthy relationships?
  • I bless others in multiple ways.
  • I enjoy the quality time I spend with my spouse and children.


  • I have optimal health.
  • Why do I find it so easy to invest 5% of my monthly income into a proactive health management account?
  • I enjoy my daily exercise routine.
  • Why do I find it so easy to maintain a healthy body weight?


  • I live everyday with passion knowing I’m connected to a higher power.
  • Why do I find it so easy spending time in prayer/meditation?
  • I enjoy attending church.
  • Why do I find it so easy reading my bible?

List Your Top 5 Goals (1 year or less)

Include what you want to BE, what you want to DO, and what you want to HAVE.







Managing Your Energy

All life is energy. Every nerve impulse in your body is an electric current. Our muscles are powered by chemical energy. Every cell in your body is a mini-battery, pumping out 70–90 milli-volts when you’re healthy. Every time we move, we expend energy. How we utilize our time (twenty-four hours a day) is a function of energy expansion. When exercising, we expand energy. When working and having fun, we expand energy. Our energy is a very real substance and our most valuable asset. It cannot be overstated that we carefully consider our choices and how they impact our energy. The direction of your life toward your goals is a direct result of the amount and intensity of the energy you commit to reaching your goals. If we invest our energy wisely, it will grow and return the dividends of a richer life.

Personal Time Assessment

This is a very important exercise as you honestly assess where you are today in the following categories. On a scale between 1 and 5, how would you rate yourself? (5 means you are investing quality time and 1 indicates you are lacking in this area) Circle the number that best represents where you are today.


Prayer/meditation                                        1          2          3          4          5


Exercise                                                       1          2          3          4          5


Spouse/significant other                              1          2          3          4          5

Children                                                         1          2          3          4          5

Grandchildren                                               1          2          3          4          5

Parents                                                           1          2          3          4          5

Grandparents                                                  1          2          3          4          5

In-laws                                                           1          2          3          4          5

Siblings                                                           1          2          3          4          5

Energy Mastery – Continued

Now let’s look at some additional areas in which you expand the greatest amount of energy and see if it’s in line with your top 5-10 core values.

Some people have a tendency to spend way too much time doing things that are not in alignment with their core values, life purpose and goals. When this happens, it moves them farther away from what is important to them. This becomes a vicious cycle, and frustration begins to set in, stressing them out.  We all have the same amount of time in a day; it’s what we do with this time that dictates whether or not we’re going to experience the life we desire.

What do your days and weeks look like?

Take a snapshot of your life over the next week. Record (journal) everything you do from the time you get up until you go to bed. This is very valuable data. Be true to yourself. Is your daily activity in alignment with what is most important to you? This is your life, so take control and manage it yourself. If you don’t, someone else will!

Start first with conversations you have with people over the phone, or in person, as well as conversations you are having with yourself. Write a short summary in your journal of all your conversations. After seven days of recording your conversations you’ll begin to recognize what type of conversations you are having. Do they tend to be positive and uplifting, or negative?

Additionally, record the type of content you are allowing into your consciousness, what are you reading and watching?

Write this in your journal.

Television/Video Games/Social Media

What type of movies did you watch?   What type of video games did you play?

What are you watching on social media?

Personal and Spiritual Development

What are you reading and/or listening to?   How much time are you investing here?


Goals, Values and Vision become Your Guides in Life!

Where do you see yourself in the following categories at the young age of eighty & beyon\\]

  • Spiritual and Health Social and Community
  • Family and Legacy Career and Financial
  • Lifestyle (Vacations, travel, fun, how do you spend quality time, etc.)



Social and community: ______________________________________________________________________________







Vision Mastery – Continued

Where are you TODAY in relationship to where you want to be at eighty years young and beyond? What action steps do you need to take TODAY to ensure you are living a fully integrated life at the age of eighty and beyond?



Social and community: ______________________________________________________________________________







What will your life look like if you don’t achieve your vision goals in the categories above?                             Be honest with yourself, this is your life! __________________________________________________________



Clarity around Your Life Purpose

Now that you have completed the above exercises you should have much more clarity around: a) limiting beliefs b) who you are and what you stand for c) what is important to you d) how are you investing your time, and e) vision for your life. You are now ready to clarify your life purpose and begin to design your purpose-driven life!

Questions to ask yourself and write into your journal.

  • Who am I and do I matter?
  • Where do I find my happiness?
  • What do I want, and WHY do I want it?
  • Where am I currently making a difference?
  • How do I define success?
  • Who defines the person I am and destined to become?
  • Who am I at my best?
  • What have my life experiences taught me?
  • What is my legacy? What will I be remembered for? 

Why am I here?

What are my gifts and talents?



What would others say are your gifts and talents?



 Congratulations, you have completed your mental exercise program and are now ready to embark on your purpose-driven lifestyle! I look forward to learning more about you, what you do, and how I can serve you.