How to Boost self Esteem and self Confidence

Self-esteem is the measure of how much we value and appreciate ourselves. Unfortunately our past experiences can have a major impact on self-esteem. Thus we arrive at adulthood with issues which block us from achieving the success we desire. It can also prevent us from recognizing the success we may have already created.

To quote Mark Twain “The secret to getting ahead is getting started. The secret to getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small, manageable tasks, and then getting started on the first one.”

Building self-esteem is the first step towards your happiness and a better life. We must become more aware of the criticisms and judgments we make of ourselves. Then we must immediately stop abusing ourselves in this manner. Too many times it is our small inner critic that takes over from where others have criticized us in the past. Frequently, we have no idea that this has even been going on in our subconscious.

Secondly, as adults we must accept that our self-esteem is now our own responsibility. We can no longer lay the blame at someone else’s doorstep. It is time to move on. We must commit to hold ourselves in high esteem in our own minds first and foremost. Focus on your achievements in life thus far, and take credit for them no matter how small or insignificant they may seem. The very fact that you are focusing on positives will help you increase your confidence.

The third step to raising self-esteem is to honestly decide love ourselves unconditionally right now. Don’t wait until after you land that new job, or lose twenty pounds, or whatever it is you desire. Start right now. We can decide to value ourselves and become independent of the opinion of others. Respect the opinions of others, but never by swayed from your own morals and values.

What can you do in your life, right now today, that will help you feel better about yourself? Take a look at the kind of life you are living today, and determine what changes you could make to feel happier and more fulfilled. Ask yourself if you are happy in your job? Is it satisfying and rewarding? How do you feel about your current relationship? How about your social life and circle of friends? Whatever it is that you feel you need to change about your life, just go ahead and do it. Just pick one, break it into small obtainable steps, and off you go!

Self-esteem increases your confidence. When you have confidence you will respect yourself and others, improve your relationships, and achieve a healthier balance in life.