How To Be More Positive and Happy For GOOD!

Hello my friends, good day to you all and I hope this is reaching you well! This post is all about how to be more positive and happy and believe it or not it can be done fairly easy by integrating daily habits in your life.

It is said that it takes 21 days of doing something consistently for it to become en-grained as a habit, good or bad. Well we can use this statistic for good and create a more happy and positive existence! Below are some methods to use to do just that!

Morning Positivity 

The first half an hour to hour that you are up, your brain is at the most susceptible to what it’s surroundings are, especially subliminally. The first thing you want to do in the morning when you wake up is to go online to Youtube and find a motivational/positive audio and listen to it. You don’t have to stare at the screen the entire time, you can have it playing while you are cooking breakfast and getting ready.

My favorite motivational speakers are Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Suze Orman and Joel Osteen. The best thing to do is to try a host of different types of motivational speakers and find your favorite, as they all communicate their message in different ways, some are more gentle others are more in your face. Whatever suits your style and how you feel that day.

You can even purchase or download audios of positive CD’s and play them in your car or my personal favorite, in the gym!


I know it may sound corny, or something we only do around the dinner table at Thanksgiving, but when you are more consciously aware of what you are grateful for in your life, it can make you feel happier on the spot. Do this when you are feeling down, or just throughout the day, but remember to do it at least 21 days in a row to engrain the habit!


I know personally for me when I really started exercising consistently is when my whole entire life started to change. The better I felt about my body the more positive and happy I became. It also is great for managing current health problems, even reversing and eliminating them. You don’t have to go for hours a day, but just 45 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week can make a drastic difference in your health and happiness.

Positive Books

We spoke about motivational audios, but if you are more of a reader, there is copious amounts of self help books that you can use that are both on health and happiness. Start slow, just reading maybe 10 pages a day or a couple pages here and there on your lunch break and before you hit the sack at night!

The People You Hang Out With 

It has been said that you become the average of the 5 people you hang out with, which this can either help you or hinder you when it comes to being happier and healthier. Are the people around you negative and out of shape? Are they discouraging against your dreams? Or are they uplifting and encouraging?

If they aren’t helping you, you need to limit your time around these individuals. Start surrounding yourself with people who are where you want to be and naturally you will follow suit.


Food today is absolutely depleted with nutrients, vital nutrients we need to sustain good levels or serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, aka the feel good hormones. Eating better foods, eliminating or limiting fast food from your diet will allow your body to balance itself and your hormones, creating a healthier body. Your body knows what to do to create optimal health, you just have to provide it with the nutrients to do so.


Toxic negative emotions build up in our system and can affect our mood immensely. Forgiving people in your life or who were in your life at one time can be a great way to create a higher sustainable level of positivity and happiness in your life. There is a quote that I love, which the author is anonymous, but it is “Holding a grudge is like letting someone live in your head rent free”.

This is so true and really good for all of us to remember as you may feel like forgiving someone can be weak, but who is is helping? What benefit are you having for holding this grudge? Usually the answer is no benefit at all, but unfortunately is seems to be engrained in our nature to hold grudges. But back to the 21 day rule, forgive one thing or person for 21 days straight and see how great you feel!

In fact just try forgiving one person, trust me you will want to do it more because not only can you show yourself that you can conquer your negative thoughts against someone, which will be very self empowering, you will also realize that it is a waste of time and will be more reason to forgive more. This will create a compound affect, creating more and more happiness in your life each day.

Your Living Environment 

A lot of times people live in homes where there are literally toxins in the air from things like black mold and asbestos. You can have an inspector come out and check for things like this. You may find that you are living in an environment that is causing you to become sick. Symptoms of being afflicted by black mold and asbestos can mimic a host of mood disorder symptoms.

Gut Health

Taking care of your gut is essential in todays day in age. Your gut is referred to as your second brain. It is in constant communication with your brain, so keeping it clean is a must. At very minimum take a daily probiotic, this will ensure that you are replenishing good gut bacteria that can deteriorate overtime from eating bad food and just simply breathing in air that is toxic.