How can you Save Water at Home

Saving water at home is simple to do, and can save you lots of money if you find yourself spending too much on your water bills. There are many simple little things that you can do around your house to conserve water, and they are good for your pocketbook. Saving a little bit of money everyday is something that we all strive towards.

Buying energy efficient appliances is a great way to save energy and water, keeping your utility bills at a low monthly amount. This money spent will wind up saving you much more in the years to come. Here are 8 simple rules to help you with your water conservation.

LAUNDRY – when you have to do a load of laundry, make sure that it is a full load, and run the cycle that uses the least amount of water. If you do not have a high efficiency washing machine, always be certain to maximize usage when doing loads of laundry.

DISHES – you can wash your dishes with a small amount of water in the basin, rather than having the water running while you do the dishes by hand. If you are using a dishwasher, once again make sure that it is filled to capacity, and run it on the shortest cycle that utilizes the least amount of water.

FAUCETS – make sure that you do not have any leaky faucets, as the smallest drip can add up to an awful expense if it goes undetected. Making sure that your faucets are in proper working condition is a simple and effective way to save water at home.

SHOWERS – do not take long, drawn-out showers that needlessly waste water in the home. A shower should be timed so as to use the least amount of water possible, while still coming out fresh and clean.

RUNNING WATER – when you are shaving, or brushing your teeth, make sure to turn the faucet off while you are not using the water. This is a huge waste of water in the home, and it is unnecessary to run the water while you shave or brush your teeth.

RAIN BARRELS – using rain barrels to catch run off from the downspouts and eaves is a great way to save water at home. The water saved in the rain barrel can be used to top up ponds, fill children’s pools, water plants, amongst a whole host of other options.

DEHUMIDIFIER – if your dehumidifier is full, take the catch basin and use that water for your plants or to do some cleaning around the house. This water has been taken from the moisture in your house, and this is a free way to keep your plants healthy.

TOILETS – if you can, buy a water efficient toilet that has a much smaller tank attached. If you do not have this type of toilet, you can save water by placing a large object such as a brick in the tank in order to displace unnecessary water.

These simple tips and strategies can greatly help you to save water at home, which will also help you save money.