Healthy Ways to Express Anger

How To Begin Venting

First of all, one must realize who one is angry with, or what one is angry with. Lashing out at society in general is not healthy and will bring no relief. People who were damaged very young, usually by being lashed out at by certain members of society or abused by a parent, tend to be just angry in general, because they were too young to emotionally work through what happened, it has a stunting effect. And expressing anger is difficult for them, so they are just angry all the way around. Too, the anger might be due to neglect.

In a region, or town where there is a saturation of religion, and churches, there is a strong tendency within that “cell” to force forgiveness and it is maddening and it fosters the cycle of abuse, because no one is willing to do anything to stop it. The general consensus being, the world is coming to an end, we can’t do anything about it, take your scars and go. Fifty years ago? The exact same consensus.

When someone shows anger at the system and specific individuals in it for injustices and abuses, where I’m from, then an immediate political and social drama unfolds. The person is outnumbered, mind screwed, diverted and “taken down”. Even, and especially the lower class spectrum works along with the conspiracy to get “points”. They antagonize the person and keep the person’s attention off of their main responsibilities. It is a sickening form of mind control, where the person being antagonized can’t win for losing. If you get angry, they say you’re horny. If you ignore the antagonist, they say you’re crazy. If you cry, then you’re depressed. If you attempt to leave, they send a psychological report. If you go to request a protective order in court, you become a target all over again.

Given such an extreme and potentially dangerous situation, venting becomes either more random and general, leading to being shot down by a cop, put in a mental hospital, suicide or learning to deal with the depression causing element.

I do so by writing. That was not what inspired me to begin writing. In other words, I began with talent. That talent began peaking when I was 25 and I began to realize that I was not retarded or an amoral animal, as I’d been conditioned to think of myself.

Sometimes, I write about situations on I have to vent and has allowed me that. I’m grateful.

Music is an emotional experience and listening to it at a high volume has been therapeutic for me. Especially music which confirms that situations arise that are maddening, but does not suggest violent lashing out. One of the needs of human beings is empathy, or having someone who can relate. Music fills this void in my life.

You may think that the following statement is dumb, or too simple, but it has worked for me. Have you ever skipped a rock across a body of water? Go to a pond or a lake and find flat, light weight rocks. Hold the flat rock horizontally between your index finger and thumb. Lower your body just a bit and aim at the surface of the water. The rock will actually skip across the surface. Think of it as “scratching the surface” of your own emotions. Deep emotions. Maybe the source of your anger is too deep and you can’t handle it. That’s okay, it takes time.

Another “safe” way to deal with anger is to (all by yourself), practice what it is you would say to the person you are angry with. Really let it out. I am in a situation, where if I said what I wanted to to the people who’ve so mutilated my life, the repercussions would be bad. Why? It’s called Jim Crow politics. I call it the Matrix. Only the agents, are not fed. The agents are crude, abusive people who are in positions of authority and have deemed themselves above me. I was, at one time, so psychologically beat down that I could barely communicate and function.

Be sure to use adjectives when expressing your anger, all by yourself. For instance, I use the terms, “maggot”, “scumbags”, “religious inbreds”, “dogs”, etc…

But I don’t kill, hit or otherwise damage anyone. Cussing a great venting device, however, when someone else’s children are around, you should use discretion.