How to Treat Acne Scars at Home


Acne is a skin condition caused by the overproduction of sebum. Sebum is an oily substance produced by your sebaceous glands, which are especially active during adolescence. The excess sebum accumulates in your pores until the pores become blocked. The blocked pores may rupture into open lesions, which can result in scarring if the lesions fail to heal properly. You can treat acne scars at home by softening them to make them less noticeable and by reducing the discoloration that acne scars can produce.

Step 1

Apply a vitamin E cream to your acne scars, according to the instructions. You can also cut open a capsule a vitamin E oil and apply its contents to your acne scars once per day or use a liquid form of vitamin E, which you can find at your local drugstore. A topical application of vitamin E can help repair scar tissue more quickly. Avoid applying vitamin E to open lesions, as this can increase the risk of infection.

Step 2

Dab a few drops of lemon juice on an acne scar with a cotton ball. Wash the lemon juice off after about 10 minutes. Lemon juice contains citric acid, which can lighten a dark acne scar. Dilute the juice from one lemon with a cup of water if you plan to apply lemon juice to large areas of your skin.

Step 3

Massage aloe vera gel on your acne scars. Many products that contain aloe vera gel are commercially available. You can also use pure aloe vera gel directly from the plant. Aloe vera gel can help fade scars more quickly and soothe irritated skin.

Step 4

Apply a liberal amount of olive oil to your acne. Olive oil will moisturize your acne scars and minimize their appearance. Olive oil has little risk of side effects, so you can use it frequently throughout the day.