How to Fade Acne Scars Naturally


Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your pores become blocked by sebum, an oil produced by the sebaceous glands. This blockage can cause the pores to swell into painful nodules that may burst open and form open lesions. These lesions may not heal properly, which can result in scars. You can treat acne scars with natural substances that cause the scars to fade and soften the scar tissue.

Step 1

Wash your face with a soft washcloth. Use a mild soap and warm water to remove any oil or makeup on the surface of your skin. Rinse the soap off thoroughly and gently pat your skin dry.

Step 2

Apply lemon juice to fade your acne scars. Dilute the juice from one lemon with a cup of water and stir this mixture thoroughly. Soak a soft washcloth in this solution and wring out the excess. Hold the washcloth to your acne scars for a few minutes each day. Lemon juice contains citric acid, which can lighten the color of a dark acne star.

Step 3

Use oils to treat acne scars. A variety of oils are available that can soften the issue of acne scars and make them less noticeable. Cut open a vitamin E capsule and gently rub the oil into your acne scars once per day. You can also rub a few drops of rosehip seed oil into the scar twice per day. Olive oil is another natural treatment for acne scars that you can use liberally throughout the day.

Step 4

Treat acne scars with honey. You can use honey as a natural skin peel to minimize acne scars. Apply the honey in a very thin layer over the scar and allow it to dry. Remove the honey with soap and warm water, and pat your skin dry. This treatment will remove the dead skin cells on the surface of your skin. This can expose the newer cells underneath, which can minimize the appearance of acne scars.