Homemade Acne Scar Treatment


Acne can occur when the sebaceous glands in your skin produce too much sebum. This oily substance can clog your pores, which can cause them to become inflamed and erupt into pustules. These pustules can rupture and form open lesions on the surface of your skin, which can form scars if they don’t heal properly. You can minimize the appearance of acne scars with home treatments such as good skin hygiene, lemon juice and oils.

Step 1

Apply a gentle soap to your acne scars with a soft washcloth. Rub your skin gently with the washcloth, and rinse off the soap with warm water. Pat your skin dry with a towel. Ensure that you don’t wash your acne more than twice a day to keep your skin from drying out. Skin that’s too dry can become inflamed and make your acne worse.

Step 2

Squeeze the juice from a lemon into a cup of water, and mix the solution thoroughly. Soak a soft washcloth in the diluted lemon juice and wring out the excess liquid. Hold the washcloth to your acne scars for a few minutes each day. Lemon juice can help lighten discolored acne scars.

Step 3

Soften acne scars with olive oil. Rub olive oil gently into the acne scars to make them less visible. Ensure that you use pure olive oil, which is readily available from grocery stores. You can use olive oil liberally on your acne scars, since it’s unlikely to irritate your skin.

Step 4

Treat acne scars with rosehip seed oil. This essential oil is available from beauty shops and health stores. Rub a few drops of rosehip seed oil into your acne scar with your fingertips. You can perform this treatment up to twice a day.

Step 5

Obtain capsules of liquid vitamin E from a health store or pharmacy. Cut open one of the capsules and gently rub it into your acne scars to help your skin repair the scar tissue. Limit this treatment to once per day.