Einstein Blackholes Quantumphysics Gravity Light Contrast Suns Quasar Time Space Theory Formula Key

Quantum Physics & Black Holes

To understand the dynamics of a highly concentrated anomaly of the universe, as such a Black hole, one must realize the mechanism of the process of the development in the cycles of the structures that exists in the outer regions of the solar systems, galaxies, and into the space beyond the quasars of the known outer edges of this universe.

Two distinguished factors of mathematics is the quantum physics of space and time in relation to the distance measured by light in ratio to the physical objects, that have a density. By definition the theory of quantum physics, are defined by Albert Einstein, a famous scientific constructor of formulas and chain reactions, of molecular compounds. He has contributed highly to the state of scientific knowledge, that has become an integrated and complex diverse combination in today’s fields of advanced theories in the motion of events in the universe, scaled on the basis of time.

Physical objects are a high density of energy that has a consequence in regards to other life forms of the same density. Impact and cause are the first of what could be compared to a chain of events or a first domino in a complex design of light and contrast on colored pieces, that when finished, has a picture of what the occurrence has been structured to do, the results. A Black hole, is a Quasar that has expanded into the ever expanding and contracting space of the universe, through the energy that is released in the Quasars’ dispensing of the energy that was held in position, by a Black holes substance or source of origin.

Space can be considered to be a substance of density that can be measured, with a term of ‘black matter.’ Light is a tremendously high level of energy, that has a unknown origin in the story of space and time, in relation to the human races’ contemplation and study; of the actual source of what the principalities of light has in accordance to the space and objects, that share a paradoxical in polarities, throughout the known universe. Black holes once dispensing of the energies of light, black matter, gases, and physical object, then begins to re-fill the energies needed to become a sun that expands eventually into white dwarfs, red dwarfs, red dwarfs, quasars, and eventually a more evolved form of energy.

Perhaps the center of this very planet called Earth, is a world created by once Black holes, that had grown up’ to become a physical world, consisting of gases, light, darkness, and objects of differing degrees in combinations of elements; all conjoined to create a planetary system of what could be original in unique collaborations of energy in motion. Black holes also, can be a time teleportation that divides the physical universe into sectors that are alike a spiral or slink of energies in motion, that expands and contrast in light and shadow. Doorways perhaps, into further distances that could never be reached, but by the vehicle of energy transformation in the light of sound of physical objects, traveling through space.

Black holes in theory are channels to a mirror like part of the universal structure of time and space. The right elements that combined into a Black hole, can be as a alchemists’ brewing pot, where the right formula can lead to a manifestation of physicality, or it could be that Black holes just crushes everything that is a victim to the stalking of a natural part of the universe, a vortex of no return, a devastating tornado type of drain that collects waste floating around space, and flushing the material into the blackest darkness of the abyss, where even scientists fear. c.