Displaced in Time

There is too much evidence, both tangible and anecdotal, that time travel is possible. There are different forms of time travel that allow people to either interact with people and things or just be observers.

Take for instance the subject of UFOs. The movie “Flight of the Navigator” was a Disney film which had a kid taken aboard a UFO and travel into the future. The movie is loosely based on abduction stories of people being taken by aliens and then returning years later. The TV show “The 4400” is also based on abduction and return of people on a UFO.

On the program “Psi Factor,” a man was taken from the 17th century and taken forward in time to the 20th century. This story was based on a similar event when a person was displaced in time. His family had long been dead and his closest relatives in the area wouldn’t believe he was their ancestor. When he died, they did an autopsy on him and found he had no antibodies for certain diseases every child at the time would have been inoculated for. His body chemistry was that of someone who most likely had lived centuries before.

In the American Southwest, a strange flying craft set down and people came out to ask a cowboy where the Battle of San Juan Hill was being fought. He didn’t know because the Spanish American War which they were referring to was two years from being fought. No doubt if this really happened, there will be time travel tourism. I just hope the tour companies are more precise in taking people back to the right times.

The Philadelphia Experiment was an experiment in which the USS Eldridge was charged with a tremendous amount of energy in order to make it invisible. Instead, it did more than vanish. It was teleported to a position hundreds of miles away and when it rematerialized, some sailors were gone and others were melded into the ship. According to one account, sailors appeared a long distance away and years into the future as if they were ghosts. Another man arrived in Long Island several years ago from the 1940’s and described what was at a laboratory that has since closed down when he got back to his own time.

It seems that many ghosts are actually phantom projections. This is a form of observing the past. One of the oldest is in England at the cathedral in York. In the basement every now and then a group of Roman soldiers are seen coming out of a wall and marching into the wall facing them. The cathedral was built over the Roman road. The conditions had been such that the men and the horse the leader was riding on were “recorded” by the road and area and every now and then are “replayed” as if they were a video tape or hologram. In the future, such phenomenon will be stimulated by computers and electronic equipment so that historians can study the past. instead of just touring a place and hearing the tour guide tell you about a place, a computer and electronic equipment will let you see and even hear what happened in the past.

It looks like high energy is required to allow one to time travel. Since the electromagnetic fields of the earth were so much more powerful in the past, it could be that a time machine will need to increase the energy surrounding a traveler to match that of the past. When the right level is achieved, the person will appear in the exact time he wants to travel to.

Psychics at times can observe the past or future. Some even claim to travel through time. It could be that when the Bible mentions a certain man telling Joseph where to find his brothers, the man could have been a time traveler. We wouldn’t know about any6 changes such a person makes since the changes would be incorporated into our memories of history and how things are. So there could be thousands of time travelers and we wouldn’t be aware of it since we know of no differences.

There are accounts of people traveling back in time and seeing things that don’t exist today. A person traveled back in time to the gardens at Versailles and the person saw and talked with people there. The person also saw some things that were destroyed decades ago that only the original plans showed existed. At Gettysburg, a person was almost grabbed by a surgeon and made to help cut off limbs even though the battle had taken place over a century before.

If we can control the ability to be displaced in time, time travel may have to be controlled like in the movie “Time Cop.” Too many changes could be detrimental to the time line and our existence. Killing your grandfather won’t make you instantly disappear, though. It will just mean that someone else will be your grandfather if you are meant to exist.

I would love to live a new life displaced in time a few centuries. And for all I know, I might have been. I just wouldn’t know until I am in the future sent back in time. I just hope that I set up an investment account to help myself in the near future. I could use the money thanks to being displaced in time.