Defining a Neutron Star

A”neutron star” is a heavenly body generally considered to be the residue of a collapsed star which is made up of neutrons. Let us here present a somewhat different viewpoint which could serve as a hypothesis for scientific enquiry.

First, let us discard the idea that these “neutron stars” are actually composed of neutrons. There is no reason to believe that neutrons, as such, exist other than for short periods in space. Though they are emitted from atoms there is no reason to believe that they exist as such in atomic nuclei. Let us, instead, assume that these bodies, like all other matter, consist of electrons and protons.

If we do this, we can model a neutron star as a huge atom with the characteristics that would be expected of an atom of its size and atomic number. Both of these would be difficult to determine and would be constantly changing as such an atom would be expected to be intensely radioactive and continuously decaying.

If we work with this type of model for a “neutron star,” we may postulate that “neutron stars” are actually the mysterious engines which created our known “stable” elements, and that they are still doing that work in their own neighborhoods. One of many results of this model is the suggestion that it should be possible to find spectral lines for many atomic species in the radiation from “neutron stars” if one could look closely enough….(Since this was first written there have been reports of the emission of heavy elements from Quasars, which may well be “Neutron Stars.”)

There is a semi-mathematical theory of “Iso-sets” which may have applicabily here. The idea is that since “Iso-” means “same” one can postulate that all the units made up of a given number of electrons and protons would belong to the same set, an “Iso-set.” Iso-set-1,0 would be the electron. Iso-set-0,1 would be the proton. Iso-set-1,l would include the previous two sets and also the nuetron and the Hydrogen atom,also known as the Protium Atom. In set notation we can write this as {e,p; n; H}. As you can see this gets complicated very rapidly as each set contains within it the combination of every other smaller set as a sub-set plus the units unique to it.

The most useful part of this theory is the fact that there would be a central aggregate unit where all the electrons and protons are gathered together into a central unit with the electrons within, or closely associated with, the space defined by the motions of the protons . This we can call the “Iso-set Aggregate” and abbreviate this to “Iso-A.”

Every Iso-A would be unstable with respect to other members of the set. As such, the Iso-A of a set can be used to explain radioactivity. For instance, the neutron may be considered as the Iso-A of Iso-set-l,1. It is unstable with respect to the electron and proton. These in turn, combine to form the Protiium Atom. The same idea, or variations can be used to explain all radioactivity and even to explain things such as the conversion of Deuterium Molecules to Helium Atoms. At the ultimate, “Neutrons Stars” would be “Iso-A” units of huge numbers of electrons and protons.