Social Science


It is amazing that the average person assigns adult intelligence based on a person’s title or job. Scientists, doctors and lawyers top the list. Janitors and day laborers are seen as unintelligent, or they would have gone to school to…
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The Basics of Human Geography

Human geography has developed as a way to observe humans as they interact with, inside, and around a framework of physical, or geographical environments. The work covers both qualitative and quantitative research methodology, with more leanings toward qualitative approaches. The…
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What is Sacred

What is Sacred? In order to adopt a very general approach, we are going to consider a cluster of terms as if they were synonymous: sacred, holy, divine, and transcendent are the main items in this list, others might be…
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Future of Religion

The future of religion is succumbing to a “made to order” and customizable philosophy. Religion is basically a set of rituals, behaviors, and thoughts that someone has and these systems are supposed to guide a person to right behavior, but…
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