Benefits of being an Extrovert

Talk is cheap – but if you’re an extrovert, it’s worth its weight in gold. The meek don’t really get an opportunity to inherit the earth – the extroverts won’t let them get a word in edgewise. And extroverts are not just the talk of the town – they’re the talkers of the town. Being an extrovert definitely has its benefits. Here are some of the perks that come with possessing the gift of gab.

They’re sociable

According to Psychology Today, extroverts comprise three-quarters of America’s population. That’s enough social butterflies fluttering their wings to create a monsoon. For extroverts, who Psychology Today also attests are hardwired for that trait, online socializing pales in comparison to face-to-face interaction, so they’re much more likely to have an ever-expanding social circle that flourishes from real-world encounters. They like themselves, so they’re confident that others will like them too. This self-assurance magnetizes people to them. Craving socializing, they easily keep existing friendships percolating, make new friends, and are attractive to the opposite sex.

Friendships keep them healthy

Having abundant friends, family members and colleagues is not only enjoyable for an extrovert – it can be a lifesaver. According to Forbes Magazine, people completely lacking friends or having very few close friendships are 50 percent more likely to be outlived by extroverts. Isolation or minimal socialization was also alarmingly determined to be as detrimental to health as puffing on 15 cigarettes a day, being an alcoholic, never exercising and obesity. Extroverts are at a much lower health risk than their introverted counterparts.

They advance faster in their careers

Extroverts are more likely to speak up at meetings, and to do so regularly, displaying an agile thought process, the boldness to professionally present ideas in a group setting – even if they contradict other suggestions – and to actively participate, which are all traits that many employers react to favorably. An extrovert’s fearless nature enables them to network in business situations where they’re not intimidated by introducing themselves to a prospective connection and sparking an easy, engaging conversation – and they also look approachable enough that people are drawn to them, expecting an effortless, fruitful interaction.

They’re good at expressing their feelings

With an extrovert, you don’t have to decipher mixed messages or puzzling body language. What you see – and hear – is what you get. While they may have all the subtlety of a mule kick, extroverts openly and directly express their likes and dislikes, thoughts and feelings. This is actually beneficial, because it allows relationships to be candid and authentic, and prevents the extrovert from silently suffering through pent-up emotions.

They get more dates

Someone who is an enigma can be mysterious and exciting at first, but when the introvert needs to be continuously pried open with a crowbar, relationships can take a nosedive – if a relationship or date is even pursued with an introvert in the first place. Extroverts, on the other hand, exude a warmth and congeniality that makes them personable and desirable. And, bolstered by confidence, self-esteem and exuberance, they have no trouble approaching total strangers, breezily starting conversations with them, and walking away with a handful of phone numbers. If, for some reason, their overtures are refused, they have enough confidence and tenacity to prevent them from giving up.

They’re easily bored

This is actually an advantage of being an extrovert, not a detriment. Extroverts crave change, novelty and adventure, and are constantly pursuing ways to satisfy those appetites. This can encompass everything from backpacking in a country where they don’t know the language, to bungee jumping, to skydiving. On a larger scale, extroverts quickly tire of the status quo, which fosters creativity and innovation, and has led to numerous start-ups and inventions.

Extroverts are not just a bunch of hot air. They’re movers and shakers, enriching their world, as well as benefiting society – as long as they can have the last word.