Anteverted Uterus and Getting Pregnant

Anteverted uterus is defined as the condition in which the uterus of the woman is tilted towards the abdomen. This positioning of the uterus has no impact on pregnancy or on a woman’s body. Most women can actually co-exist with the condition easily. Basically, such women have no problem conceiving or in delivery of a baby while there is almost no kind of treatment that is needed for this condition. It is the degree of orientation and inclination the influences the general impact of this condition on a woman. If the uterus is anteverted to the extreme, this will create an environment that is too challenging for eggs and sperms to meet up. With an anteverted uterus, ovaries are way high up in the pelvis and this means that they are away from harm more and are not likely to be hurt during intercourse.

Uterus Tilts Forwards: Should You Be Anxious?

Various Positions of the Uterus

pictures of uterus positionMen and women have varying features with some features being normal while others are inherited. Hair color differs from one person to another, as do the color of the eyes and the skin. One less common variation among women, however, is the position of uterus. When doctors say that a woman’s uterus is tipped, most women think they they’re affected with some dire condition, but this is far from the truth. The anteverted uterus is a normal variant, just like your hair color and your skin color. This orientation is the most common position of the uterus, and it occurs when the fundus and the uterus of the body flexes forward at the cervix, the bottom part of the uterus. However, when the uterus you points in an upward manner toward the head, it is termed a retroverted uterus. This kind of tilted uterus flexes to the back of the cervix, and bottom part of the uterus, making the fundus and the body point towards the back. In some cases, the uterus also tilts to the left or the right. Both retroflexed and anteflexed uterus will evolve into retroverted uteruses during pregnancy and will return to their original position after childbirth.

The Impact of Tipped Uterus

Generally, women with an anteverted uterus don’t go through complications and impacts are usually minimized. This kind of tilted uterus has no known impact on a woman’s pregnancy and health. There are no problems with conceiving and delivering a baby, and no treatment is required as well. On the other hand, women with retroverted uterus might want to seek medical attention. With this uterine positioning, it becomes difficult for a physician to do an ultra sound especially during early pregnancy. The baby is not affected but will be seen at around 9 to 10 weeks. Such women also experience discomfort or pain during intercourse. Women with this uterine positioning also experience severe cramping, pain or diarrhea during menstruation. Others experience lower back pain and others have issues using tampons.

A variety of gynecological problems are associated with the position of the retroverted uterus. Uterine fibroids, for example, are common uterine pathology. The pressure and location of pain developed from uterine fibroids are influenced by the position of the uterus. Those with anteverted uteruses may feel focused pressure and pain towards the front are of the pelvis, while others who have retroverted uteruses are more likely to experience back pain.

Fortunately, this kind of tipped uterus can be corrected manually or through surgery. Though the surgical procedure, the uterus is repositioned higher in the pelvis and the uterine position can also be changed to become anteverted. The woman benefit by having the uterus stabilized while its normal position is restored. During the surgery, the ovaries can also be elevated to an angle in which they can hardly be bruised during intercourse.

In some cases, uterine abnormalities cause the uterus to switch position. Besides uterine fibroids, Endometriosis is also one such case where endometrial tissue grows on place outside of the uterus. During menstruation, endometrium, the inner lining in the uterus, is shed. In some cases, endometriosis may cause some adhesions that may change the position of the uterus.

Impact on Pregnancy

It is normal that your uterus is anteverted, but as mentioned above, it does affect some natural processes that occur within the uterus. The uterus is essential as it serves as the baby’s resting place as it develops within the womb. According to most doctors, this tilting position does not pose any threat on pregnancy, from the very first stages of conception and up towards the delivery of the baby. However, even if the condition does not pose any negative consequences, it is still highly suggested that the woman go through regular checkups along with consultation with a gynecologist. In rare cases, it may present other problems, such as uterine fibroids for example. There are many other disorders of the uterus that are not caused by its orientation, so you may still need to seek medical attention throughout your pregnancy. Among these problems include polyps in the uterus, ovarian cysts, fibroid tumors, and so on and so forth. In all cases, it is highly essential that the woman go through early pregnancy examination or uterus examination. These examination procedures will give you a clear image about the status of your anteverted uterus, along with other associated problems arising from it.

Treatment Methods

There is no treatment methods needed for anteverted uterus, but if the uterus is retroverted, surgical procedures are usually employed to correct it. Through surgical procedures, the location of the uterus is placed higher upon the pelvis or it may be repositioned so it resembles an anteverted. The women then benefits from this repositioning and is rid of all the negative health complications. During surgical procedures, some surgeons may also opt to elevate the uterus in an angle where they won’t be bruised during intercourse.

How It Affects Ultrasound

Most women who have anteverted uterus might find it shocking to be diagnosed with miscarriage, even when the baby is healthy and growing the right way. Consequently, numerous women who have this uterus orientation are quickly diagnosed with miscarriage. As a matter of fact, a number of women also report that their gestational sacs are empty, only to realize they are not after nine or ten weeks into the pregnancy. An anteverted uterus will not affect the health of your baby in any way, but it does affect when your baby will be seen. And there is a huge chance that you won’t be able to see your baby as soon as other women who also go through ultrasound if your uterus is anteverted.

Although anteverted uterus poses no danger to the unborn, the condition can come with some problems. However, it is advisable for expectant mothers to have discussions and regular checkups with a gynecologist since at times, this positioning can present other problems. While some women are born with the condition, others acquire it due to age and other factors like having given birth. Ligaments holding the uterus can become a bit lose due to pregnancy and delivery. As a result, that your uterus could shift positioning a bit.