Will Scientists Discover the Secrets of the Universe

It is with a heartfelt sorrow on the eve of awfulness that the report is made that there are no secrets to the universe remaining in existence. With the mysteries unraveled there is nothing left to know save for the knowledge of the human mind – which may never be known – and its vast capacity for evil. Now it is only a matter of time before this knowledge of everything is explored and the universe suffers the consequences.

It is unfortunate that throughout all of its history humanity has remembered nothing but its relentless search of knowledge and understanding when the capacity for that knowledge has yet to be reached. Even after the evils released by Pandora and her box there was nothing learned save the consequences. Why wasn’t it understood in humanity’s later years when the prime philosophies were established so early on? Sir Francis Bacon himself said it so eloquently in the late 16th century that “Knowledge is power.” and added to that were the feelings of John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton in the late 19th century that “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.” It goes without saying that the secrets of the universe were more literally the secrets of absolute knowledge, and that the great men who discovered them are now bad men of an absolutely corrupted state of being.

With the secrets no longer and the knowledge learned, there is only a little time before the absolute power cripples the foundations of everything. Though not said often enough before the discovery of what lie behind those secrets, it should be reminded to all that humanity knows not of God when he believes himself to be God. Through that knowledge alone there is no savior to rescue mankind as he has already reached a level of self-damnation. One can only ponder with morbid fascination of that which will soon follow.

It is likely the first consequences shall rest in the experiments to re-create the formation of the universe itself under laboratory conditions that may rend the current universe. To create is merely a means of destruction and it is only natural for humanity to seek destruction of its fellow man, so there will soon follow many wars and experiments of disaster as the great men’ attempt to control that which is better left untouched. Yet rejoice in the final moments that humanity is free of natural cause of disease and medical problems as that has been eradicated, but may now be subject to man-made viruses and plagues of both organic and technologic origin.

Given the condition of its survival, mankind may be granted with the next series of consequences that consists of experimentation of the very things that make humans human. Should the results be a forced evolution closer to perfection then that would make fewer problems, but that may be too much to ask for. In the case that de-evolution has occurred then there is at least some hope that the technological aid would negate the effects or even promote human interaction with its surrounding environments to the next level.

After or before any of that, really anything goes. With the secrets on the table and exposed, the natural knowledge of everyone saturated, a universe of great men and women may create the utopia long dreamed of. But with this power and knowledge, should the bad men and women overwhelm the good then a world state of war spread to the vastness of the universe would rage on forever with no end likely.

The only truly positive to the secrets were if someone was given the knowledge of how to restore their ambiguity. Then the consequences would only remain a pondering.