Will Great Rivers Die – Yes

Will great rivers die?

When I ponder the subject of our many great rivers, I think of a Cree Indian Prophecy;

“Only after the Last Tree has been cut down,
Only after the Last River has been poisoned,
Only after the Last Fish has been caught,
Only then will you find that
Money Cannot Be Eaten.”

The headlines read;

Patagonia’s Pascua River Threatened by Massive Dam Project

B. Witte in Toward Freedom a periodical based in Chile reports that the humans who live there have a thirst’ for energy and electricity to the extent of devouring the Patagonia’s Pascua River. This river is home to the Southern Patagonian Ice Field, the largest in the world outside of Antarctica and Greenland, the region is one of Chile’s most powerful rivers, which flows from a hidden corner of Lago O’Higgins, South America’s deepest lake (more than 830 meters).

The hydroelectric project being planned by Endesa, a Spanish-Italian enterprise, and Colbn, a Chilean energy company owned by the influential Matte family, are charging full speed ahead to rid this country of its natural resources. Joining them is company called HidroAysn and they are planning to build five massive dams in Aysn that would generate some 2,750 MW of electricity. That is roughly equivalent to 20 percent of Chile’s current overall generating capacity. Three dams are slated for the Pascua. The other two would be built along the Baker River, Chile’s most voluminous, which is located farther north.

They take, but they do not give back, it is all a matter of profit but not for the river, the eco-systems and ecologies that they destroy in the process. Our lifeline to existence destroyed, in the name of the all mighty dollar.

Dead Zone Off Texas Coast Existed Since 1985.

The Scientific Daily reports that researchers at Texas A&M University have confirmed for the first time that a dead zone’ the dead zone area off the Texas coast extends from the Texas-Louisiana border area to Brownsville. A dead zone occurs when there is hypoxia, or oxygen-depleted water.

Such low levels of oxygen are caused by pollution from farm fertilizers as they empty into rivers and eventually the Gulf or by soil erosion or discharge from sewage treatment plants. This dead zone has existed off the Texas coast for at least the past 23 years and will likely remain there, causing potential harmful effects to marine life in the area. I daresay this will cause harmful and fatal effects to the human population in general. Dead water means stagnant, undrinkable water by any mammal. It also cultivates bacteria that we have no anti-biotic to combat, as it is a super bacterial virus that has already survived the nuclear wastes, oil drills and its backlash of pollution.

Is Lake Mead Disappearing?

The water supply crisis is not just a third world issue. ENN reports that Nevada’s Lake Mead, the largest man-made lake and reservoir in the U.S., could go dry by 2021, (that is 13 years from 2008) claim scientists at the Scripp’s Institute of Oceanography in San Diego, California. With human-induced climate change and water usage continuing at the present rate of 1.3 million people depending on electricity from the Lake and 8 million people drinking its water, there is a 50% chance the lake will go dry in the very near future. The Colorado River’s Water is being consumed far beyond a sustainable level. If we hit an all time high of drought with the current global warming conditions, matters will worsen quickly and will result in fatality of humans and other species that depend on this water for survival.

Coral Reefs Are Dying Out

Because of changes to the microbes that live in them just as much as from the direct rise in temperature caused by global warming. Changes in sea temperature caused by climate change and global warming affect corals, but they also affect the types of bacteria and other micro-flora that live with them. When the water warms up, disease-causing bacteria are more successful and can attack the corals. The corals themselves suffer from heat. The friendly bacteria that normally live in the corals’ guts become weakened, allowing other harmful bacteria to multiply and cause diseases.

Society for General Microbiology has stated that for many communities in developing countries, which rely on coral reefs for their fisheries and tourism income, the loss of coral reefs has major impacts on their economies. They also lose valuable coastal land to coastal erosion, affecting human welfare in the communities.

Will Great Rivers Die?

These scientists are not trying to scare us into believing we have a drinkable water shortage, they are reporting the facts of the current human consumption. We as humans, have ZERO percent chance of survival without water. We need to consider and demand that serious conservation programs and restrictions be put in place.

Which brings me back to my original thought and I quote from a wise one:

A Cree Indian Prophecy

“Only after the Last Tree has been cut down,
Only after the Last River has been poisoned,
Only after the Last Fish has been caught,
Only then will you find that
Money Cannot Be Eaten.”