Why there is Approximately 70 Percent Water in both the Human Body and on Planet Earth

To keep an equilibrium – humans, the given guardians of planet earth – must be the closest link to our H2O percentage with that of the earth’s 70% .

Consider how much the body commands, just within one example. Like the rivers and tributaries of the earth, we have blood vessels in the body, of over 100,000. The other half of the blood is mostly half salt water, continually flowing in and out of red blood cells, which also processes large amounts of oxygen. In just one second, these cells will process 100 times its volume in water.

The body contains about 20-30 trillion of these cells which take up about two liters, which in a given second, are processing about 200 liters of water. That, in the red blood cells, requires the amount of a swimming pool – 100,000,000, liters – of water every 90 minutes.

This shows how closely we are linked to recycling, just as our human and Earth body does. There is no way a human could drink that much, yet the body – like the Earth – processes the elements we are connected to – including light – and reprocesses usage.

We are linked to the moon and earth’s tides also, revolving around the arrangement of her calendar days. When it comes to our most or least fertile times physically within our own cycles, such waves of our physiology are connected to coincide, as does the Earth, and her body with the moon, and water.

With these factors alone, it begins to open up to why – like our home planet – we are joined to one another with this greatest capacity being water. We, as Mother Earth, both recycle, sharing the most precious commodity which keeps us both alive.

We need the moist atmosphere to breath our air we call oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide from the air in the photosynthesis of plant life. This aids via radiant light’s chemical reaction which is the vital source of hydrogen – of H2O, water – in the chlorophyl tissues of plants exposed to the light. We need the sunlight also, or suffer more than just vitamin D deficiency!

In essence, we are all joined, and in truth are one another’s defenders when seen in the light of the value of why water and its percentage are needed to be equalized. Nature has a way of making up for whatsoever breaks it down. We see this everywhere.

When the balance of water revolves around our plant life alone, and humans create destruction of what the earth necessitates, she has a way of restoring what H2O is required. Like the thawing of ice caps on any mountain peaks, to the degree mandatory to keep water flowing. Even the poles have their turn, despite they must melt, and seas may swell.

Disregard for this flow is when dams are built on the rivers for storage or hydro-electric schemes. They are just a blink of the eye in nature’s time, when it comes to construction. When water turns its destructive forces back on human-kind, it is a reminder we must work together with such obligates, because we are affiliated.

We change the earth’s natural eco-system where her veins and capillaries should freely flow without blockage. As humans, we would have a stroke or heart attack if that happened in ours. We set up home regardless of where her water must release pressure by following the natural fall of gravity. Again as humankind, we would likewise suffer from pressure levels without release.

We curse when it doesn’t rain down, and equally when we humans are in the path of water overflow. Our human dams can bust too, from the kidney connection!  We build right on her shore-lines giving only thought to her views, and none to where her waves must brake, and expand likewise. Then fall with the wash-away, and complain the seas are robbing us.

A life, called human, with 70% H2O, when wiped out with natures fury – is often connected with water – and we ask why? Clouds must gather to send back the rain. Heat and cold must fire up, galvanizing the required elements to send even more, when storms must accumulate. Floods must give way to droughts of parchment and thirst for humans and the earth. Sometimes Mother Earth reminds us, ‘This Land was Mine!’

Survival is sometimes the face of demolition for betterment, where too much of our most required element is taken for granted. Wasted, polluted, ignored. Nature doesn’t ask how she will replenish the balance if we humans are the culprits. She simply acts, according to why we have thrown the chemical equilibrium required for H2O to keep us and her alive. She sheds her tears as well as we do. But humans are re-born again, and life goes on.

Without the mathematics of which rivers and tributaries are close to the count of our blood vessels, or the rest of earth’s bodies of water contribute to how much our body mass needs H2O within every cell of our being; facts are  connected.

They each need the equalizer – which one could liken to a nuclear power house – which we must keep cooled. Including salt, as so much of earth’s water carries.

We humans are our own nuclear reactors in the way things work. Consider how salt will hold water, plus put out a fire?  Is this the fire within the hydrogen which also dampens our overheating earth and body?

Which ever way we look at the make-up of our H2O connections, we cannot deny them. They exist. They are real. And we of the Earth, are bound to be as linked to our oxygen to breath, and our water to live.

The only thing to date is Mother Nature’s true utilization of 70% water, which we still have to adapt to on earth. Maybe then, we will find, the respect as each other’s protectors.