Why is Sea Water Salty Ion Exchange


Eons of time have come down through the Cosmic Time into the Lives of all of us; and we – the humans – have been the one’s who have been the worst destructive force on the planet.

Yet… we all fill the rivers which run down to the oceans, and even as it is continual, the Earth’s Ocean’s ability to cleanse, is the result of why the sea water is so salty. Some amongst us; are referred to as ‘the salt of the earth’ being likened as, to the Crystal Energy which gives rise to all which cleanses… yet there are also still those amongst others of the earth who would prefer – as a figure of speech – to set it alight. (Call that waring.)

It is known that salt puts out the flame…and the ions of this pure Cubic Crystal are the dampener; the Catalyst which do this. The Hydrogen ions would have ignited, were it not for the saltiness. Bonding 2 molecules to each Hydrogen is the stabilizer, between inflammable air. Sea water carries every salt required to blend – from everyone, everything, and everywhere – due to this; which bonds equally to it’s H2O.

Keeping it simple… most of what is termed Saline Salt, like that which is now surfacing in the river ways and land lines were under our earth’s now given sea level, must like us all… return to the Source. Here it can be likened to the salmon… though they swim upstream, and against their own gravity, the blue-print in the Crystal Salt is already within it; just as in our own DNA. Even the salmon… must return to the sea.

We – everything – are linked from Beginning to End. It just depends on what each specific print belongs in bonding to the other. Mix all other other chemicals together in the Cleaning Soup, and with any of the Specific Elements with all that is classified as ‘salt’, we have Chloride’s Green Light within it’s own reactions with the salt. The Primary Ray together with with the Red. (later mentioned.) We smell this as ‘Ozone’.

These… are the three Major Elements of why sea is so salty, and in that salt we can also have Life. This is seen in the Electrical Ion Exchanges in the more concentrated depths of oceans, where Life Lights up within each sea Creature. Like a soup that has only been stirred on the surface… the deep is like Outer Space; both cold and dark… and very very silently timeless.

Like different stars within their own Universe, this Life, never has to rise to the top for air. All they require in everything of the concentrated unstirred soup, where the wind cannot reach, is in their world. Yet we humans can not live in it, even near the surface, without our own protection! Some sea birds can fly though this medium for their own period of more time than we can swim under it, without protection… as easily as they can fly in the air medium. These are air, earth, and sea creatures. That is saying something for this total interaction between (just within the earth itself,) of three different worlds.

Rather should we call them Universes of Life Form, found inhabiting most, Salt, Hydrogen, and Air. Whether fish or creatures of the sea, land or air, we all have the eighth most common element… in common. The Transfer Ion. Put everything which washes – cleanses – together as all three. Everything from sky/atmosphere, earth and water, and the Tri of why the sea is so salty, just finds it’s own atmospheric pressure within it’s own blueprint of it’s medium..

Salt holds the most Electrical Current next to gold – the White gold of the Gold’s Electrical Conductivity – is the Engine that gives back to the Sun of our Solar System the Hydrogen. Joined by our Gravity to it’s lowest point, under the deep, the dark night/black is still like the black Light. From Heaviest to Lightest; or Highest, it becomes automatically Electro-Magnetic; the combination of Transition within the Red Ray, which exchanges right through the Core of a Magnetic Structure… only belonging in Orbital Energies.

The ‘spear’ of Energy which anchors the Earth on it’s Axis, seemingly ‘hanging on nothing’. Were this not the case, there would be no point to why… the sea is so salty; nor the Earth a Planet in our Solar Orbital System. Facts are… it and we are all linked.