Why does Air Temperature Decrease with Increasing Altitude Reactions


It is colder the further out we go when we head upward from our planet, in the direction of ‘further away’, or ‘up higher’ and therefore closer to our Outer Space.

Our lower layer called the ‘Troposphere’, closet to us in our air (Atmosphere,) is warmer, because there is interaction with the Infrared Ray from the Solar Rays within the Earth’s Core. Heat rises. We… get hot! This layer is +- 8km.

So if they need oxygen masks alone to climb to the summit of Mt. Everest at only 880 + meters (29 ,000+ feet,) As this +- 8.8 kilometers, how high is cold and thin air before we either can die of exposure? Due to the cold and the lack of oxygen… they even have a ‘death zone’! It’s bad enough with altitude sickness… All these are the reasons why air temperature decreased with the increase of altitude?

Then comes the ‘upper Troposphere’ – another layer of almost 9km, and we have now reached a height of 17km. up. It is in the Troposphere where our weather occurs. This is already showing change… from whips of clouds to where the negative and positive charges of electricity in the air react, creating storms.

The ‘Troposphere’ is approximately half of our earths Atmosphere. The outer regions just as the inner, all have their reaction on the other. From the core of our earth to the furtherest reaches of this (and beyond,) there is a blending of the elements within the Atmosphere.. Each give ‘rise’ to their change of state on the other; just as all chemicals have different reactions.

Climbing higher, we come to the lower ‘Stratosphere’ layer, just over 13 and a half kilometers further out… now we are getting closer to cooling off even more. This is where our jets mostly show the colder air, through what we call their trail of white vapor – jet stream – just as when we are in the cold, our breath shows vapor. When our body air meets the colder outside air which we breath. For those who have traveled in a jet, we also know we are well up to ‘minus’ 30-40 C. degrees. That’s cold!

With all these different elements reacting; as for a human beings go, we need the air-tight air-craft to protect us; just as we do down in the the Atmospheric Pressures of the deep in the Oceans of our earth. Rising higher we are now at a height of 30 + kilometers… where weather balloons go.

But this sphere doesn’t change until at least 60 km. up and out; and it is here in this ‘Stratosphere’ where our ‘Ozone Layer’ is, where our main source of the earth protection of Solar Rays, occurs. Strange how we can smell the Ozone in our oceans as well. This layer is a high concentrate of Ozone, absorbing +- 94 percent of the high frequency of the damaging Ultraviolet Sun’s Rays.

It’s another 35 km beyond this where we come to the coldest temperatures which become minus 90 Celsius (or -130 Fahrenheit.) Doesn’t it seem strange that it is here that most meteorites or rocks burn up?

Inter-reactions of the elements of the electrical ions within the Solar Rays – the one layer where the space shuttles have to get through called the ‘Thermo sphere’. The Radiation belt – ring of fire – interaction where with the small residue of oxygen can bring the temperature right up to 2000 degrees Celsius!

Here is where the Atmosphere merges into ‘Space’ known as the ‘Exosphere’; the thinest layer which is the Outer Limits of Earth’s Atmosphere. This layer or sphere, also gets colder because of it’s thinning process. Here is the nitrogen is our gaseous atmosphere which is freezing (-+ minus 196 C,) and gives the ‘sky’ it’s blue… yet takes up about + 70 % of the Earth’s Atmosphere. Plus with it’s reaction with Light Waves is the ‘halo effect’ we see from Outer Space.

It is now we reach our Outer Space where it is dark… and can also be very cold. Only the sun shows we have an Earth which also is a part of all Outer Space. In truth, we are just another planet within this ‘our’ Solar System, Milky way Galaxy, and Universe!