Why do some People Complain about everything

Take a few moments to call to mind all the people that you know. Think of your relatives, co-workers, friends, and acquaintances. Now divide them into two separate categories: the complainers and the non-complainers. The chances are probably quite high that you were able to place at least two or three of them into the complainers category, and it most likely did not take you very long to do so. Next, take a closer look at what it is that these folks complain about, and the frequency with which they do it. Are they, like the majority of us, occasional complainers, or are they constant complainers? Again, it would be safe to guess that you may have been able to eliminate one infrequent complainer, but you still have at least one person sitting there in the complainers section. And, he or she is probably complaining at this very moment.

Now that we’ve established who the complainers are, the next obvious step is to ask why they complain so much. After all, complaining serves little, if any purpose. The majority of people who complain do so because they believe that repeatedly expressing their dissatisfaction will get them whatever it is they want. To be fair, it is true that, occasionally, as the old saying goes, “the squeaky wheel gets the grease”. However, it stands to reason that, once you grease the wheel, it should stop squeaking altogether. If it started squeaking every five minutes after you last greased it, then you would probably become impatient and annoyed. So it is with those among us who complain all the time. Few people have patience for individuals who complain above and beyond what might be considered purely human nature. The unfortunate result of this type of behavior is that complainers alienate people. Which, of course, gives them even more to complain about.

It may seem as if perpetual complainers are trapped in an endless cycle. This can, in fact, be the case. Basically, there are two types of complainers: those who complain for the sake of complaining, and those who complain, but then take the necessary action to change whatever it is that they are complaining about. Those who complain on a regular basis, without taking action, do so because there are aspects of their lives which cause them a high degree of unhappiness. It may be possible that they have found no other outlet through which to express their lack of satisfaction with life, and, as a result, they repeatedly complain about everything and anything. Quite the contrary, others may complain from time to time, but they take action in order to attempt to change what they find unacceptable. Maya Angelou said it best: “If you don’t like something change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.”

Therefore, there is hope for those who ceaselessly complain. All that is required is some action, and the proper attitude. A complainer’s overall perspective on themselves and the world around them can be changed when they have the willingness to view matters in a different light. The reality is that it is far more beneficial to the emotional and physical well-being of a human being to refrain from complaining; unless and until they are willing to be instrumental in bringing about positive change for themselves and others. Otherwise, they are in danger of remaining entangled in the unending cycle of complaining, and are also unable to live life to their greatest potential.