Why am i Hungry

Is it because we smelled that bacon cooking? Or because we saw an ad for a delicious cheeseburger that we become hungry?

There are plenty of myths as to how and why we feel hunger. There is, however, only one real and proved reason why our feeble human bodies crave to eat.

As previously thought by doctors and scientists, it used to be that our stomachs sent off a little singal light to our brains when its empty, telling us that we are hungry. This is where the idea of diet bars and other fillers came from.

The new research has proved that the human body doesn’t actually grave food when its stomach organ is empty, our bodies crave food when we are low on important nutrients. Whether it be protein, iron, potassium, sugar or other important vitamins and minerals. Its an interesting thought that if our bodies had all the nutrients it needed everyday, we would be hungrier less.

Some doctors also speculate that the nutrients need at any given time, can be guessed at by what we crave to eat.

Thinking about a nice juicy burger and fries? Sounds like you could use some protein and carbs!

Fantasizing about some ice cream and cake? Sounds like your body needs some dairy and grains!

Its not to hard to guess what your body needs when you crave certain foods, but it isn’t easy to try and only take in the vitamins you need. Most of us are content to fill our bellies until they bulge, and then complain about the excess weight.

Our bodies only crave what they need to survive, but even we when eat, most of us are not giving our bodies what they truly desire. This is usually when you find yourself hungry often, and hardly ever truly satisfied. This tends to lead to over eating and an even more unbalanced body.

Many doctors, diet specialists and scientist have tried to come up with quick and easy fixes to diet and healthy problems, but the truth is, you can’t be the biology of it. The origin of our human existence shows that our brains might be complex, but are bodies are purely instinctual. When we need vitamins and nutrients, or bodies don’t think to say, “Hey! I need some nutrients!”, instead, we get a grumbly rumbly in our bellies and we go and eat greasy fried foods and excess sugar that we don’t need.

By taking some daily vitamins, exercising regularly and speaking with your doctor, you can easily battle your hunger and find the path to a truly satisfying meal every time.