What to do if you see a UFO

UFOs are commonly known as Unidentified Flying Objects so it would be prudent to not assume little green men are about to land. My mistake, I meant to say little gray men as Fox Mulder from The X-Files would argue. Personally, I would love to have my skepticism reversed upon seeing a spaceship and a Vulcan crawling out of it. I seriously doubt that would ever happen in my time. However I can only relate to my own experience on seeing something very funny in the sky very late at night. I can only state in my own personal defense that I was absolutely not high in any way.

It was around 2 AM and I was listening to my music. Soon, a reflection to my left caught my attention. I looked out the window and I was seeing a bright white light off into the distance that seemed to be getting bigger and closer with each glance. My heart began to pound rapidly in my chest and my breathing was shallowing out. It seemed as if the only thing I could hear was my pulse pounding in my ears. I wasn’t terrified but rather shocked to see something such as this. It was an odd sight indeed. It was unlike anything I had ever seen in my life. Mind you, my life is so sheltered I couldn’t tell anyone what the Aurora Borealis looks like. I have a general idea but I have never witnessed it.

The first thing I did was run down the stairs faster than a lightening bolt and told my parents. They told me it was undoubtedly a satellite since those wonderful space faring men launched them off to spy on the bad guys and watch millions of channels on television to our delight. After that I told myself it was late and I was tired. My eyes were pulling tricks on me and the loud music from my earphones was sloshing the brain matter out of my ears. I wasn’t thinking right. It was probably a spy satellite.

About two months later in a wicked lightening storm I recorded a video footage of a sphere floating and zigging around in the sky. I looked at the camera in astonishment and tried to clean the door figuring there was a bug walking around. Perhaps it was a piece of dust on the lens. I left it on and followed it for a while until it just disappeared. It could have been a weather balloon.

So what do you do if you see a UFO? Simple. Look at it in awe, record it, watch the video with friends and put it away. If it was a spaceship with little gray men up there then they would have found us by now. We don’t need to go crazy and shoot them down to us before they are ready to face us. When they are ready they will come to us.