What is Nlp

Neuro-linguistic programming was originated by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. The original purpose of their research was the construction of explicit models of human excellence. Their research was grounded in the work of prominent therapists, detailing the verbal and behavioural patterns used by therapists in their first published works The Structure of Magic Vol I&II, identified patterns of speech and behaviour used by Fritz Perls (creator of Gestalt therapy) and Virginia Satir ( an internationally renownded family therapist). There second book Patterns of the hypnotic technique of Milton H. Erikson, MD. This book was an examination of the techniques of Erikson, Erikson was the founder of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.

The result of the synthesis of these works was their own contribution to the field in the form of Neuro Linguistic Programming. The choice of nomenclature is meant to symbolize the relationship between the brain, language and body.

Neuro Linguistic programming has during the course of it’s life developed numerous tools effective for everything from counselling and psychotherapy to improving sporting performance.

The underpinning ideas behind Neuro linguistic programming are firstly that the Map is not the territory and secondly that the life and Mind are systemic processes.

The map is not the territory

What this means essentially is that we view reality through filters and beliefs which become maps. These neuro-linguistic maps to a large extent determine how we behave and in turn the action based on these beliefs re-inforce those maps. In any situation where another human being has succeeded and you have failed, the source of your failure will be found in your neuro linguistic maps.

Life and Mind are Systemic processes

What this means is to all intents and purposes is that everything that occurs in a human being is systemic i.e. a part relating to a whole. Within this system there are numerous sub systems and relationships to other systems. The belief in Neuro-Linguistic Programming is that these systems are based on self organizing principles, meaning they will like any natural system tend to toward optimal states or a homeostasis of sorts.

Practically what these two ideas mean for those interested in Neuro linguistic Programming is that if one can understand how success is mapped by studying success strategies one can start substituting ineffective maps which result in unsuccesful outcomes. The self organizing principles and systemic nature of these systems speak to the fact that our maps even when they produce unsuccesful results exist for some reason. When changing patterns care must be taken to understand what need this behaviour addresses and ensure that any solution attempted addresses that need as well. The systemic nature also means that language is at once, both a symptom of the neuro-linguistic map and a lever. Much of Neuro Linguistic-Programming focuses on changing the speech and vocabulary used internally and externally to change existing maps. Visualisation is another powerful tool used in Neuro linguistic programming.

Neuro Linguistic programming is commonly associated with hypnosis as many of the principles have been adapted for use with hypnosis but this was not the original intention of the research.