What is Ergonomics and Repetitive Strain Injury

What is ergonomics?  Ergonomics is a study scientific study of ways to design and set up items so that people are less likely to develop Repetitive Strain Injuries.  These injuries can cause a lot of pain and may eventually lead to a loss of work and productivity altogether.

♦  What is a Repetitive Strain Injuries?

The perfect example of a repetitive strain injury is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  People can get carpal tunnel by doing repetitive work with their hands and finger.  This is a common injury for someone who types a lot.  The reason that someone can get carpal tunnel is my compression of the Median Nerve.  This can cause pain and weakness in the nerves.

♦  But it is not Limited to Carpal Tunnel.

Anyone doing a single or few single repetitive motions can form different versions of Repetitive Strain injuries.  Truck drivers, factory workers, dock workers.  You name it really; if the work is the same again and again you can have a change of getting this form of strain.

How can you avoid having these painful and annoying injuries?

♦  This Brings us Right Back to the Study of Ergonomics. 

Scientists and entrepreneurs are often inventing items that are “ergonomically’ friendly.  Typewriters and mouse-pads that help to support your wrist.  Better weight belts to protect your lower back while lifting.  The list goes on.  To a certain point if you have a repetitive job it is up to you to research ways to keep yourself healthy.  There are tools out there to make your life easier and to decrease you chance of having any issues.  It is important to discover these tools and utilize them.

♦  Apply Ergonomics to your Daily Life

What repetitive motions do you do?  For me it is typing.  My wrists sometimes hurt.  My knees can hurt from sitting to long too.  Fixing ergonomics for daily life is really a two step process. 

• Step 1:  Buy stuff.  Find out where your body feels “comfortable” and make sure your table, chair and whatever else fit those bills.  If needed buy things like mouse pads and keyboards that cushion your wrist. 

• Step 2:  Take breaks and exercise.  If you are like me.  Get up every so often and walk around.  Windmill your arms.  Run through some “wrist stretching” exercises.  Do all the little things to keep your joints loose and limber.

Ergonomics is pretty simple.  Treat your affected joints well and they will treat you well for a long time to come.  Treat them badly and they will pay you back “in spades” later on with increased pain, suffering and weakness.  It is karma at its finest.  Treat yourself right and good things happen.  Abuse yourself and beware the repercussions.