What is Dissociative Identity Disorder

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Dissociative identity disorder (DID) Is the new academic term for the condition commonly referred to as multiple personality disorder, this condition is a widely misunderstood illness,

Dissociative identity disorder is a very controversial illness, it is listed in DSM-1V, so it is considered to be a legitimate clinical condition, but individual psychiatrists and psychologists have different opinions based on their individual understanding of the available clinical literature.

Dissociative identity disorder is characterized by the patient taking on two or more identities or personalities that alternate.

In most cases patients are unable to recall important personal information relating to some or all of the personalities.

Dissociative identity disorder is caused by overwhelming traumatic events in earlier life. Different childhood traumas such as episodes of very severe abuse over a period of time, have been documented as the root cause of the onset of DID in later life.

Dissociate identity disorder, is a mechanism employed by patients as away of coping with these traumatic events, which the patients mind deems so traumatic, such that they create different personality to handle it.


Switching is the process of change between personalities by the patient; these other personalities are called “alters”. Sometimes the person may be aware of the switching process and feel as if they’re standing back and watching someone else this is called being “co-conscious”. And at other times they may be oblivious of the switching.

Switching is normally triggered by an event which reminds the patient of a past traumatic event.

Diagnosis of dissociative personality disorder

Dissociative personality disorder is sometimes confused with schizophrenia, and patients are often associated with other mental health problems such as post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders.

Diagnosis of the condition is based on medical history of the patient, sometimes supplemented by hypnosis or drug-facilitated interviewing.

Symptoms and treatment

These vary widely, sometimes patients demonstrate extraordinary high or just normal activities to simply not been able to function, and are unable to complete simple daily chores. Other symptoms include

Multiple mannerisms

Attitudes and beliefs that are dissimilar to each other headaches and other body pains distortion or loss of subjective time depersonalization amnesia depression

Patients may also experience an extremely narrow array of other symptoms that resemble epilepsy, schizophrenia, anxiety, Mood disorders, post traumatic stress, personality, and eating disorders.

Dissociative identity disorder is often commonly treated with psychotherapy, behavioural therapy and cognitive therapy. There is no prescription medication to treat did, but these may be given to treat other disorders that the patient may suffer such as depression.