What happens when a Meteor is on a Collision course with Earth

An impact event is what happens when a meteor is on a collision course with earth, and impact events can cause massive loss of life. That’s why scientist study and research small objects that hit the earth all the time, because a collision with Earth can also come from large meteoroids, asteroids and comets too.


When Apollo 13 tried to land on the moon, unsuccessfully, one of the Astronauts described what he pondered while gazing out of the capsule’s window at Earth. In so many words he told himself to forget about the moon. Placing his thumb over his view of Earth, how incredible it seemed that just his thumb could make Earth disappear from his universal view. That’s when he began to comprehend how small we are and how vulnerable Earth is when compared to the massive space of objects in the universe.

An impact event from a collision of large objects falling from the universe can be catastrophic, but there is a reverse relationship between the size of the object and the frequency that objects hit the earth. Asteroids with a 1 km diameter impact the Earth every 500,000 years on average, and large collisions with five kilometer objects happen about once every ten million years, so most people, and even those more aware of what an impact event means, don’t stay awake all night worrying. The last impact of an object of 10 km or more in diameter impacted Earth 65 million years ago.

Scientists say Asteroids with diameters of 5-10 km impact the Earth’s atmosphere approximately once a year with as much energy as the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. So far, they ordinarily explode in the upper atmosphere and most of its mass is vaporized before it can reach us, but objects of diameters of 50 meters tend to strike Earth about once every thousand years. When they do, they produce explosions comparable to the one observed at Tunguska in 1908. The next known asteroid with a diameter of more than 1 km is expected to hit the Earth sometime around 2880.


Witness accounts of the Tunguska Event help us see the reality of what happens when a meteor or any object from space is on a collision course with Earth. Repeated testimony tells us of strange sounds being heard right before the impact event. When it comes to the speed of sound in Earth’s atmosphere, the reports of strange sounds in advance seem unbelievable, but it’s possible because, “electro phonic sounds,” are heard before the time of the sighting. Several reports of strange sounds in connection with meteors, auroras, earthquakes and even nuclear bomb tests are enough when it comes to evidence of the effect.

In Tunguska, they also reported a glowing sky before the event. This is due to the planets and all comets having plasma sheaths that isolate them electrically from the solar planets. When two plasma shields meet or touch, the two bodies, “see,” or recognize each other electrically for the first time. Because comets have plasma sheaths that are millions of kilometers in diameter, their electrical effect could be felt days in advance. In such a case, the electrical effect on the Earth might take the form of unusual sights in the sky.

There were also reports of strange weather in the days before the impact event. This was due to the fact that in an electric solar system, electric currents flowing between the solar plasma and the planets are what drives the Earth’s weather patterns, and the most violet winds happen on planets most distant from the Sun. This is true because that’s where solar heating is negligible. Neptune is ice cold and the gas giant is farthest from the Earth, so Neptune has very strong wind. An electrical disturbance might be evident in the form of unusual weather days before an impact event.

Reports of strange seismic activity before the impact event in Tunguska might be due to the fact that new scientific evidence links earthquakes to the occurrence of, “underground lightning.” With a minor electrical disturbance of Earth due to the intrusion of a charged body could trigger things like earthquakes in the same way that electrical sunspot activity influences them.

There were also reports of geomagnetic effects before the Tunguska event, and the explanation might be found in the research done by Professor Weber of Kiel University when he observed unusual regular periodic deviations of a compass needle. This effect was repeated each evening from June 27 through June 30, 1908, which is the day of the Tunguska event. The recordings appeared like geomagnetic storms, normally associated with solar electrical activity. The approaching comet was most likely the source of the electrical disturbance and the duration of the storms indicates that comets are a source of electrons. They are highly negatively charged with respect to the solar system, and their influence can be greater than gravity. A comet’s electrical disturbance can cause pressure pulses in the atmosphere before the comet arrives, so any changes in the ionosphere can be seen five to ten days before an earthquake.

As a comet approaches, a plasma discharge takes place between it and the Earth and the comet is fragmented and explodes by internal electrical stress. All the fragments may be melted or vaporized during the plasma discharge, which is most likely why no impact crater was found in the Tunguska event. Interestingly the Tunguska event almost exactly coincides with the muzzle of a Triassic volcano. Volcanoes are the focus of electric discharge activity and this might explain the blast on Tunguska was electrical.

Since most of all the comet fragments are melted and vaporized in the plasma discharge, we can’t expect to find any evidence that a meteor , asteroid or comet has impacted the Earth. Ground Zero is the focus of the plasm discharge between Earth and the object, and not the site of any impact, so we won’t find any comet fragments there.

Witnesses of the Tunguska event saw fire in the sky, and today we know why. The plasma discharge between the object and the Earth would have strange effects in the atmosphere and at ground level, fires started by radiation from the fireball, and electrically ignited fires would have been started instantly over a wide area.

The peasants reports of lightning and thunder within the firestorm can be described by comparing this effect to the unusual lightning of St. Elmo’s fire. Ball lightning would have been generated at the Earth’s surface and lightning would have struck from a clear, blue sky, but there were also accounts of hot blasts with shock waves far away from the explosion which can be explained. When the discharges touch down, there will be an immediate heating of the air and a blast. The touchdown points can be far away from the explosion center, and the final result of the explosive fragmentation is melting and vaporization of the object which will spray a haze of glassy spherule, which creates the effect of lightning.

More than 100 years after the event, scientists are still debating whether the exploding object was a comet or an asteroid. Those who believe it was a comet noted the presence of cometary material in the ground over a wide area. On the other hand, those who believe it was an asteroid or meteor argue that a fragile comet would be destroyed too high in the atmosphere to have made such an impact, which is a common argument. Others say it’s contemporary mythology that makes us believe that comets are fragile, “ice dirt balls.” Still, there is evidence of an instance when the asteroid Chiron, on a chaotic orbit between Saturn and Uranus unexpectedly spotted a tail and became classified as a comet, so an asteroid is large enough to hold its charge while moving through the Sun’s electric field and so, it could and would become a comet, no matter what its composition is.

Scientists say that in studying the theories of the Tunguska event or any impact event since, questions must be asked without biased prejudice. Instead we have to ask, “Does a proposed explanation address all the facts?” Are the facts predictable? Is there anything we should expect to find that’s not been found? The electric theorists are sure that if science will withdraw its investment in its views of the physical universe, the answers to all our questions just might be obviously seen and realistically answered, eventually.


With all these facts and theories, along with a multitude of scientific statistics, it’s wise to conclude that we human beings exist and live within an enormous universe that’s apparently been created to work for us and not against us. This is obvious, due to the fact that the Earth has survived millions of human lifetimes, in spite of impact events by comets, asteroids, meteors, natural disasters, wars, crime or the demise of human beings polluting. So, to conclude, let’s simply accept and be grateful for the fact that there are just some things we might never comprehend, and no matter what our theory is, the universe will continue to work for our behalf until when and if we no longer benefit it, and only then might the Earth within the universe decide to spit us out.

For the source of this and more information on what happens when a meteor or some other space object finds that it’s on a collision course with Earth, go to these sites:
