What are the different Aspects of a Personality Personality

The personality is very complex. It consists of specific aspects that make a person who they are. Because of them, each person is unique in their own right. Each personality characterisitc describes the strength of a person’s emotions, concepts, or actions. Everyone contains these aspects to some point. These personality attributes are agreeableness, extroversion, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience.

Every person has these five basic personality elements but on distinct levels. For example, a person could be extroverted to a higher level than the next person. This takes place in a group of friends. One person could be more personable than the other, yet still be considered extroverted.


Extroversion is apparent by noticeable encounter with the outside world. Extravert’s are delighted in the presence of people, are full of vigor, and often exhibit optimistic feelings. They tend to be energetic, action-centered, people who are most likely to agree to something and let opportunities come to them. In group settings they enjoy conversing, and bringing attention to themselves.


A person who is agreeable values getting along with other people. They are very compassionate, considerate, amiable, and helpful. They are willing to come to a mutual understanding with their interests with others. Agreeable people have a positive perception of human nature. In their mind, they believe that people are truthful, upstanding, and loyal.


The manner is which we manage, control and aim our impulses is what it means to be conscientiousness. Inclinations are not completely bad, sometimes period limits require quick decisions, and acting on our primary instinct can be an efficient response. In times of play instead of work, acting on spur of the moment can be entertaining. People who impulsive can be viewed by others as flamboyant and fun to around. However, impulsively can lead to unfavorable ramifications. For example a person could make a fast decision based on how they feel at the moment, not taking into consideration the long term effects. One bad choice could change a person’s life for the worse and it could take years to repair.It is wise a person keep their impulses in sync.


Neuroticism is a mental illness characterized by emotional and mental distress, and difficulty dealing efficiently with the natural pressures of life. According to Freud, every person displays some indications of neurosis, but that we all differ in our level of suffering and our certain signs of distress. In the present day neurotic ism pertains to the propensity to have pessimistic sensations.People who have a higher neuroticsm score are more likely to have more of these feelings. These are what we call “emotional roller coasters”. People like this are more sensitive to stress in life. They may react more emotionally to something than the next person.

In the end, these personality characteristics tell a lot about a person. The level at which one contains makes them ornate to the world around them.