Weather Forecasting the old Fashioned way a Good Degree


Old fashioned was once a weather forecast; Mother Nature’s children could pass on what knowledge they had gained over time, through all her own weather’s Life Cycles.

In today’s age, some of these humans, and especially the creatures, still use what might be termed ‘old fashioned’. Observing them we can learn a lot by taking note! No-one tells the sharks and other sea creatures to dive deeper under a storm, or seek shelter.

Those close enough to nature see the reactions in the animals, as much as in tiny insects. Where there are much bigger upheavals as tidal waves, even the larger of all our creatures, the elephants, point the way, by turning in their tracks to head for higher ground. The earth’s vibration is a great measuring system to creatures attuned to their natural environment.

Watch the ants, and how instinct before heavy rains, sends them climbing higher up tree trucks for cover. Especially in tropical areas where it is more likely to be longer and heavier periods of rainfall. Listen for birds; sometimes not heard on a daily basis, when they fly squawking, or calling in small flocks; to wherever they too know to go.

See how the water birds tend to know before the rains, even if it hasn’t rained for years in some areas of dry desert. They have to fly overhead, and do make a sound, even if heading for salt pans, to congregate where now there are lakes and waterways, due to rain. Who tells them there has been a ten-year drought?

Be prepared for field mice who seek shelter – sometimes in a home – out of the winters cold. They are clever enough to know there will be a food supply. If you are where the polar bear or any other live, note when they begin to fatten up for hibernation with the computer in their own brain. Keep an eye on the beavers when they start damming their own water supply. Or when the squirrels begin to store nuts and acorns.

Where there are hurricanes or volcanic rumbling; whether in the sky or earth, creatures feel the vibrations, and act upon these. An earthquake (before they were drowned out by ‘noise pollution’) can even be detected with an extremely high-pitched whistle, once learned. Noise pollution plays a very big role to the human ear, and even psyche, not being able to tune into the finer vibrations of nature.

Detecting a change in the atmospherics as we did once, when instincts had to, is seldom found in lives too busy today. With all the closed in spaces of artificial lighting; permanent sound in music and humans blocked to outside sound; one can spend a day in a shopping mall, having left home with blue skies, and when emerging from the mall, there is a raging storm. The old fashioned forecast here is ‘be prepared’.

Fishermen through time learned to get to know the seasons which bring forecast, even in migrations of what type of seafood they fished for. They also used their own whether to forecast what to look out for. There was a saying, ‘Red in the morning was a sailor’s warning; and red at night was a sailor’s delight.’ Maybe there was more truth in this than they were granted, as so many went out in their small vessels at night or day accordingly. It would have been an inbred cycle within a fishing village or community to look out for all types of natural phenomena.

Any tuned into Mother Nature, are able to have a good degree of forecast. Nature’s old fashioned way holds no material possessions to watch over! Yet who can outstrip her ways? We can only begin to learn them; and listen. Maybe it’s her way of saying, ‘leave some space for me.’

We seem to forget how much we neglect what is causing more and more unpredictables. Perhaps we could bring back a few of the reliable sources she offered all creatures including human awareness.