Volcano Facts for Kids

Volcanoes are natural and amazing phenomena of our planet earth. They are often recognized as mountains but are not always in mountain shape. They sometimes occur as flat holes on the earth’s surface or under the ocean. They often make their way to news headlines when one of them bursts out a hot flowing liquid from deep inside the earth called lava. The liquid is called magma when inside the earth, but as it comes out of the earth by the volcano it is called lava and is like liquid fire. When the lava cools it hardens into rock form.  

It is interesting to learn more about the world in which we live in and its different features. Volcanoes act as recyclers of the earth and when too much pressure builds up inside the earth, volcanoes release the pressure in the form of volcanic eruptions.

Volcanoes very much show that the earth we live on is alive and dynamic in that it keeps changing and moving. When a volcano erupts, it should not be seen as something bad as it is in fact very good. Many essential minerals for the health of soil and the earth reside deep inside the earth. When a volcano gushes out lava, it contains many minerals. These minerals are then dispersed in the surrounding area of the volcano. When the effects of the volcanic eruption have dried, lush greenery and plants often grow and spurt up. This is because the minerals from deep within the earth are good and help plants to grow quickly and strong. 

The word volcano originates from the Roman mythology. Vulcan was the god of fire.

Around 80 per cent of the earth has volcanic origins, in that lava from deep inside the volcano covered many parts of the earth. This explains how some areas on the earth have very good soil.

The biggest volcano on earth is one called Mauna Loa, which is in Hawaii. Hawaii has five active volcanoes that erupt and spew out lava regularly. Hawaii is known as a volcano island, as it was made from volcanoes.  

Some volcanoes can be found under the ocean, and even under caps of ice. The country of Iceland has some of these types. Approximately 75 per cent of all the volcanoes that erupt do so under the ocean. Many underwater volcanoes can be found in the Pacific Ocean.

Many animals and rare plants often set areas around volcanoes as their homes. This is from the form of land or rock that volcanic eruptions produce when dried. These areas are often steep and hard to easily get to, so various animals and plants can be protected.

A volcano called Mount Vesuvius erupted in Italy in 79 AD and destroyed the ancient and historical city of Pompeii, along with some other towns.

Volcanoes are often seen in a negative light, but they provide many benefits for the earth, as well as its creatures and plant life.


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