Tree Profile Sweet Chestnut

The Sweet Chestnut Tree is a member of the Beech Tree family. They are native to the Northern Hemisphere. There are four species of the chestnut tree, but the European species is the sweet chestnut and it is the only European species. This tree has a long history and it is even mentioned in the Bible. The pollen that this tree produces has a sweet scent and the fruit has a sweet taste. The sweet chestnut has been a staple food for a long time in Europe, Turkey and Asia.

This tree can grow to a height of 100 feet. In June, light yellow flowers bloom in clusters. The sweet chestnut is also called Spanish chestnut or European chestnut. In some parts of the world, you can see chestnut vendors on the city streets. These nuts are glossy and can provide natural energy when eaten. The leaves, barks and twigs have natural astringent properties. The leaves are used to make herbal tea. This tea has been used to treat coughs, especially the whooping cough.

The parts that are used in herbal medicine are the leaves, bark, twigs and nuts. This tree has been cultivated by people for more than 2000 years. The nuts are starchy and they are edible. In many regions of the world, the sweet chestnut is enjoyed as a delicacy. They were once used to make flour or meal. Parts of the tree are used to treat breathing problems and to aid in digestion. This tree is also used to treat blood circulation problems. It also contains natural anti-inflammatory properties. The nuts from this tree are often enjoyed roasted.

Sweet chestnuts can be roasted in an oven or over an open fire and make a hearty snack in the cold winter season. In some parts of the world, these nuts are used to make desserts like puddings, cakes and bread. They have quite a few uses in the culinary field. A form of sugar is extracted from this nut and they have a high nutritional value. In the United States, they are really popular during the holiday season and they are often served to guests at holiday festivities and parties. The leaves of the tree and the husks of the chestnut fruit are an ingredient in some shampoos. The timber of this tree is very valuable and it is used for a variety of things.