
Is time travel possible? To answer that question we must first ask and answer the question; what is time? – and I don’t mean this in the same cliched way that others approach the subject. To properly assess the problem, we have to deal in absolutes; everything is easier to understand when it is straightforward without the questionable gray areas.

This is my theory, perhaps it has been thought of before and proven wrong but it makes sense to me.

Time is something we use, like energy, not a sort of medium we travel through.

Every materialistic thing in the universe exists in one single instant at once. Nothing that is made of matter can exist in more than one infinitesimal moment. Think of an instant as a photograph and in truth we only speculate with relatively consistent accuracy as to what is going to happen in the next one.

We use time to move from one instance in space to the other.

It’s like the many slides of a cartoon; all the drawings are a snapshot of the subject’s actions in space but despite the multitude of them, nothing actually moves until we set them in motion. We need something to let them blend one into the other to simulate time passing.

We use time to move from one instance in space to the other. Imagine that space is comprised of trillions of tiny discs, one for every single object in current existence and when it needs to move to the next instance above the one it occupies, it uses some time and the instance left behind is lost, except to memory, unless an object were able to give time.

Everything’s lifetime depends on how much time we are allotted to use. When humans die, their spiritual soul which is not restrained to materialistic time use is free to move about between all instances without the confines of time. The point being that time is not something we can travel through, we use it.

The traditional time travel theory says that if we travel fast enough through space we would travel through time as well; however, I don’t think that would work. If we exist in only one instance at a time, then to travel to the future we would have to jump across many instances in space using less time than it would actually take. In other words, if you traveled two days worth of instances ahead, using only an hour’s worth of time, you would have jumped into the future. Because every instance is related to the next we won’t exactly be choosing where we end up; we would simply appear where we are supposed to be two days from now except without any memory of the days between. I know it makes time travel seem dismal, but I think it is; we would only see what was already there to come. Time travel is always a confusing topic and from what I have seen and understand, I don’t think it is possible. If it is possible I think quite literally that it is a waste of time