Tigers Hunting for Dinner

Tigers are great hunters.They stalk, they wade noiselessly through tall grasses and wait patiently for their prey to make an entrance. When their potential meal gets within close range, they jump out and overpower them with their mighty claws. Then with their front paws they hold them down and sink their powerful fangs into their neck and they don’t release this grasp until their victim can no longer breathe. Tigers know their limits, however. They hunt only for the smaller animals while at the same time staying out of range of the larger animals ,not wanting to be their gourmet lunch.

The tiger’s natural enemy is the lion and they  usually win in territorial fights. The lion is not as graceful as the tiger and is somewhat more boisterous. Tigers slink through the tall grasses close to the ground and when they are within thirty or forty feet away or maybe closer, they lunge forward and jump on the prey’s back. With their paws or forelimbs they pin the animal to the ground.

It the animal is small this is no big problem but if it is a larger animal there will be more work in getting the animal quieted to the point that they run out of energy and cannot fight any longer. The tiger bites into the neck of smaller animals and this is all that is necessary; if the animal, such a cow or a large deer or an animal of comparable size the neck may be too thick to bite into.

Yet with animals the tiger can sink its sharp teeth into they don’t let go until breathing stops and this is a simple method and poses no problem. Get with the larger animals they hold on and put pressure on vital airways squeezes until it forces off the air supply and hold on and squeezes until the larger animal goes limp. This sounds mean and deliberate even in describing it but it is a fact of the natural order of things. Each animal is created with certain means of survival that are inbred. Tigers are totally carnivorous and must eat meat. They are not  vegetarians and cannot graze on grasses and vegetation for their food. This is what makes them  dangerous to be around,  especially when they are extremely hungry or if they are expecting cubs or have cubs that need to be fed.

A mother tiger will have to kill a large animal every three of four days if she expects to have food on the table for her young. It keeps her continually scouting for their next meal. Most often  tigers hunt alone. They sneak upon their prey noiselessly so as not to be detected. If they  hunted in packs as most animals do, the noise would forewarn their intended victims.

Lions are the most dangerous animal in the wild but in a fight the tiger usually wins, or so Nature Observer. Tigers are cats and as such are not easily domesticated. Although they are in the feline family and  share some characteristics with the small domesticated breed of cats, they are never to be used as pets. The one characteristic that can be seen in the tamest of cats is their independent nature. A cat is adorable and likes attention but basically it loves to be alone. As long as a small house cat is fed, it is quite content to stay home alone all day. Tigris how ever our steps, many steps, beyond this domesticity.