The Prospect of Life in Outer Space and the Universe Planets

It’s necessary to fully consider what is meant by life? For example does outer space and the universe contain sentient beings, non human intelligence, or a bacterial life form. Would this life be similar to life on earth or would this life exist as sentient beings, microbes, war like aliens, or an ancient forgotten civilization that died out under mysterious circumstances.

The scale of the universe indicates the potential that there is life on another planet. Considering the Milky Way galaxy consists of approximately 200-400 billion stars and that there are an estimated 500 billion galaxies, the pure math gives a percentage chance that life does exists in outer space.  Certainly science is pointing towards the fact that bacterial life is present. A meteorite by the name of Allan Hills 84001 found on earth shows signs of what could be fossilised bacteria over 4 billion years old, although debate still surrounds this. With a manned trip to Mars around 2030 living or fossilised life will definitely be confirmed.

Progresses in infra-red astronomy telescopes and radar are allowing scientists to learn more about the size and the search for planets similar to earth. Kepler 11 has discovered an Earth like planet with a sun similar to Earths 2000 light years away. The continuing search for extrasolar planets continues as a running project.

Human space progress is limited at present, but in time possibly more will be revealed as humanity travels further into the cosmos. The limitations are purely because travelling in space effectively is not possible with existing technology.

Would life in space be identical to humanity or more aggressive with vast destructive potential is a question that needs to be asked. It is perhaps understandable that another race, similar to humanity, in biology may not have a peaceful intention or nature. Space conflict therefore is a possibility, although not an optimistic one. It is not ideal to project a humanistic notion of ethics and morality to outer space because these philosophical musings are earth created and not applicable to the universe. Earth truths exist but the concept of universal truths may not.

The discovery of life would necessitate changes to religion. How will the existing religious orders adapt is a poignant question. The acceptance of life in space poses a problem in how the idea of religion has never been applied or considered this concept. Society and the religious orders would then be shown to be lacking popular support with many people questioning the existence of god.

The advent of life in space posses many philosophical, religious, and scientific questions that as yet are not ready to be answered. With the dawning of new technology will come more responsibilities, not purely earth bases but on a universal level. If humanity is ready however remains to be seen.