The Pros and Cons of Losing an Hour of Daylight in the Fall

Spring forward and fall back, or so it goes with the time change that happens each season. For those who enjoy partying late into the night, there is excitement on the Sunday morning the clock moves back an hour. But aside from that one day of sleeping in, what are some of the other pros, as well as the cons, of losing an hour of daylight in the fall? Whether you choose to view this season change as glass half full or half empty is up to you, but trying to be positive about this time change is probably a good choice.

* Pros

Night feels like night. If you’re a romantic or a night person, you understand the moods that the nighttime can evoke. Darkness is a time of mystery and intrigue; going out on the town is much more fun when it’s actually dark outside. So for those who appreciate the stars, moon and blackness of night, it’s a definite plus to have it arrive faster than in summer season. It’s also a good feeling to go to bed when it’s actually solidly dark outside.

Easier commute. City people often have long commutes, and these can be lengthened if facing the afternoon glare of sunlight. Commute times often become shorter, though, when the evening is dark outside. Without the distracting glare from the sun, the traffic can move forward at a faster pace, making all involved a bit happier.

Longer nights. Again, more for the night people out there, the shorter daylight hours make for longer nights. For some, that’s truly a good thing, as they can better enjoy camping, star-gazing, building bonfires and cozy chats when the darkness has come.


Shorter days. For those who enjoy jogging after work or spending time outdoors with their kids after work, the shorter days can be a bit of a drag. With the time change, they may feel robbed of that extra hour to do certain types of activities. Many complain of this issue; however, it’s wise to try to make adjustments. For women who jog alone, for example, the treadmill may be a safer choice during certain months of the year so as to avoid jogging in the dark.

Depression. Seasonal affective disorder occurs during the winter months and impacts many people. With fewer hours to get sunlight, a seasonal depression sinks in, which is then lifted when the spring arrives. If you suffer from this disorder, consult with your physician to find out ways you can battle this situation. There are things that can be done to help you fight sinking spirits, so take advantage to make your life a bit easier.

Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is really important in helping people function at their best. When spending more time indoors during the shorter days of fall and winter, cases of Vitamin D deficiency are frequent. To counter this, try taking appropriate supplements. Again, best to seek the advice of a doctor or nutritionist who can help you make sure you’re getting what you need to feel your best.

These are a few of the pros and cons of losing that hour during the time change. No matter which way you lean, the fact remains for most of us: the time change will occur. Figure out ways to make the most of this situation, and you will have a better outlook during these months.