The Possibilities are Virtually Limitless

Hyperlight physics, the physics of traveling beyond the speed of light, once achieved, will increase our scientific and technical knowledge to such an extent that it will be like leaving a closet and entering the Superdome in those fields. Einstein may have said nothing can exceed the speed of light. But if the Big Bang occured, the initian expansion of the protouniverse would have to be beyond the speed of light.

In order to achieve hyperlight speed in a spaceship, the accelerated energy mass must be equal to or possibly greater than the solid mass of the craft. An expelled energy mass would be a sort of repulsive energy platform that would repel against the proceding energy mass that is expelled. If the energy mass bundles are expelled rapidly enough, though none of the energy in and of itself exceeds the speed of light, the cumulative effect should be the ability of the craft to exceed the speed of light.

Traditional Einsteinian physics contends that nothing can exceed the speed of light or else it would have a greater mass than the entire universe. What Einstein never took into consideration was basic physical principles. If a craft the length of ten light-seconds were traveling at 99 % of the speed of light and a laser were fired aboard the craft, to an outside observer, if the craft were crystral clear, he would see the beam travel the 10 light seconds in 10 seconds and the craft would travel an extra 9.99 light seconds.

If the staionary observer were to fire a laser at the same exact time as the person aboard the craft fires his laser, according to Einstein, both beams would reach the same distance in the same amount of time. This makes no sense. The lasers both emit beams that travel at the speed of light. But the motion of the craft is relative to the stationary source of the outside beam. It will seem like an eternity for the exterior beam to reach the same distance as the interior beam that will hit its target in 10 seconds. That is what the cumulative effect of external acceleration and internal acceleration produces.

None of the energy in and of itself would exceed the speed of light. But the cumulative effect would be a repulsion effect that would push the craft beyond the speed of light. Time may not even slow inside the craft. The experiment done when a clock on the ground’s time was compared to the time on a clock aboard a plane after it flew around the world showed the time on the moving clock slowed ever so slightly. What the researchers may not have taken into consideration is the effect the electromagnetic fields of the earth the plane passed through could have slowed the atomic clock’s particle emitter in the same way the air produces drag on the plane’s wings and fuselage.

We will truly be in the future once hyperlight physics becomes a reality. The possibilities are virtually limitless.