The Hypocrisy in Gratitude

Regrettably, the desecrating effects of this global crisis replenished with famine, drought and malady is not unfamiliar. We hear reports of deprivation, see the dying corpses of those a million miles away and absently look on as lifeless eyes bleed their pain into our dining room.

For a few brief moments we twirl this idea of hunger and disease around in our heads and with hardened hearts and a pat “They would never see the money. . .” we bow our head to give thanks for a meal set before us.

With little more than a mental shrug we keep busy with our own, more promising lives. Self-absorbed and ungrateful. Again.

But for abundance, we shut up our bowels of compassion from the rest of the world, turning our back on those in need – just one more time. Perhaps we will meander in our uneducated ignorance and self-indulgent ways, pretending immunity from this worlds afflictions?

But it’s only a matter of time. . .

With unemployment, hunger, disease, war and climate disasters across the globe, shouldn’t we be thankful for all of our blessings? Not taking for granted one good nights sleep, one steaming mug of coffee or the few dollars it takes to get us to work and back. Despite our knowledge (or lack thereof) we are determined to take no heed to the warnings. We look back on better days – and wish.

But those days are gone.

Now that this crisis is becoming more real with each passing moment, unwanted understanding slowly penetrates our hypocrisy. We ‘are’ the sick, the hungry, the unemployed. The dying.

Our homes have been destroyed by flood, earthquake and tornado. And while our faces have become constricted with worry, we whisper amongst ourselves in discourse, crying out in our abandonment. Will anyone hear us?

Or maybe we’ll rot in our own dung for our horrors against humanity, our greed, and contempt of others. Secure in our superiority, we sit as a haughty woman sits. Full of pride.

And then the fall. . .

Amidst the mischievous chatter of healthy boys and girls ripping apart their parcels and packages tied with colorful ribbons, and amongst the joyous rhetoric of full-bellied gents surrounded by wafting cigar smoke and painted faces, do one thing this holiday season. . .

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” -1 Thessalonians 5:18
