The five different States of Matter and their Differences and Properties

Matter is everywhere. It has a very simple definition that is perhaps very easy to understand. We can classify matter to be simply anything that has mass and has the ability to take up space. There are various forms of matter that include solids, liquids, gases that are the more common ones and two uncommon states known as plasmas and finally super fluids.

Let’s take a look at each of these states and the differences formed amongst them:

Solids: In the solid state of matter, the object keeps its shape which can’t be changed unless and until the shape is somehow broken with the use of an external force. Unlike liquids, they do not flow and can’t be compressed since they keep a similar volume throughout their existence. In the solid state, particles are kept very close together and when given heat can also expand because of the extra energy injected into them.

Liquids: In the liquid state of matter, the liquids can’t keep their shapes as they can easily flow. In this state, the liquids will form the shape of the box or container in which they are kept in. The particles in the liquid state of matter keep a bit distant from each other as to the tight spacing found in the solid particles.

Gases: In the gas state of matter, similar to the liquid state yet different than the solid state, gases can’t keep their shapes and through the help of diffusion quickly spread to wherever they are being kept. The gas particles have a larger distance amongst them when compared to both the solids as well as the liquids.

Plasma: This is one of those unique states of matter that not everyone might have heard of. In the plasma state, the particles that form the state of plasma are charged. Thus, charged particles have the ability to react viciously to electromagnetic fields and that is why we also consider the matter state of plasma to be called ionized gases. In fact, what is so strange about this state of matter is that many common people have not heard of this whereas, it is the most common state that can be found in examples like flames of fire, lightening as well as stars and most entirely the space.

Super fluids: This is another one of those uncommon and unheard of states of matter, where the main property of this state is quite interesting. When a super fluid is subjected to temperatures that are nearing to absolute zero, this state of matter reacts in such a manner that if one atom will move, the other atoms will follow after the movement of that very atom. Thus, the atoms are all in a similar or identical state of quantum where they all have the same momentum.

All five states of matter are what scientist consider as phases certain elements or compounds can transition from. This is usually due to the pressure or the temperature that is supplied to the certain elements or compounds. The general rule of thumb is that when a certain element or substance is given a large amount of temperature, that very element or substance can transition from one phase to another. For example, when condensation occurs the water vapor gas transitions from the gaseous state to the state of liquid and when the water is frozen the water converts to ice which means it has transitioned from a liquid to a solid.
