The Chemistry of Tattoo Ink

Toxic Tattooing

The new “it” item this year is the tattoo. People from all different races and creeds find this to be an extremely rejuvenating means of recreation. However the statistics are exponentially high on people who later regret their decisions. Sadly, the means by which to deplete your former bodily expressions are a tad bit unrewarding! This is all due to the fact of the chemical make-up of tattooing ink.

Tattoo ink has all different chemical make-ups. There is really no set standard for the composition of the said ink. Manufacturers are not mandated to release the names of the chemicals that form their ink. Because of this shocking fact, surgical procedures of removal are not always one hundred percent successful. Surgeons cannot be sure what type of masking agent to use because some types of chemicals aren’t compatible or are actually toxic to the individual.

People often times wonder what their skin art contains. Contrary to popular belief, tattoo ink is actually not an ink at all. Tattoo ink is actually a pigment suspended in a Carrier solution. The carrier solution is not always vegetable oil, like previously assumed. Today there are many different types of carrier solutions that include metal salts and plastics. Many are also confused as to the reason the carrier solution is used. The carrier solution is just a mixture unto which the compound pigment is added to. The carrier solution ensures a homogeneous mixture because the molecules of the pigment are not allowed to separate and pull together. The carrier solution is also used to make sure that the pigment is sterile, which is the number one necessity when it comes to tattoo ink!

All different types of elements and compounds are used in the making of each individual color. The very first type of tattooing ink was actually pure black. This color was made by the ground particles of minerals and carbon. Today colors are made of a lot of different things. Each of the different carrier solutions has specifically different risks. Some people believe that the most dangerous type of carrier solution is the one in which glows in the dark under ultra violet rays. Another particularly risky solution is the plastics. Many people have allergic reactions to this type. Black is made from Carbon and Logwood. Brown is made of Ochre, which is made of clay mixed with iron. Red is made from Cinnabar, which is highly toxic. All reds carry the risk of an allergic reaction because of the rust component.

As you can see, the highly emphasized bodily recreation has its risked. The choice is in the person’s hands, a beautiful form of art or a deadly toxic cocktail.