The Chemical Properties of Gold

Gold is a very rare substance that makes up only 5/1000000 of the Earth’s outer layer.
This is like saying 10 million m’n’ms represented the entire world’s outer crust, only five of them were made of gold Its rarity and its physical properties have made it one of the most prized of Earth’s natural resources. Gold is a metal just like iron, copper, lead, etc. Metals are all good conductors of heat and electricity and almost all of the metal elements are solid at room temperature that is all metals except mercury, which is used, in many thermometers. They are malleable and ductile. Gold is heavy it weighs over nineteen times more than water, and is almost twice as heavy as lead, however even though it is heavy it is still very soft and pliable. If you had a nugget of gold the size of your pinky finger and stretched it out as far as you could, you could stretch it to be as big as a tennis court. Gold is quite soft. It is slightly harder than a fingernail but not as hard as a coin or glass. Gold, like most metals, can be hammered into thin sheets (malleable) or drawn out into thin wires (ductile). This has made gold sought after for a wide range of applications, like jewelry and in electronics.”Gold leaf” for example, is gold that has been beaten into a sheet less than one tenth of a millimeter thick. It is then used for lettering on honor rolls in schools, or for putting gold onto picture frames and ornaments. The physical and chemical properties are
Density (g/cc): 19.3 Melting Point (K): 1337.58 Boiling Point (K): 3080 Appearance: soft, malleable, yellow metal Atomic Radius (pm): 146 Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 10.2 Covalent Radius (pm): 134 Ionic Radius: 85 (+3e) 137 (+1e) Specific Heat (@20C J/g mol): 0.129 Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 12.68 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): ~340 Debye Temperature (K): 170.00 Pauling Negativity Number: 2.54 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 889.3 Oxidation States: 3, 1 Lattice Structure: Face-Centered Cubic (FCC) Lattice Constant (): 4.080 Specific Gravity (20C): 18.88
The melting point of gold is an assigned value, which serves as a calibration point for the International Temperature Scale and International Practical Temperature Scale.
All of these properties show that gold is a very unique element that will most likely always fascinate people for decades to come. Gold has been renowned for its beauty since the days when dawn began and will always be.