The causes of Global Climate Change

During the last 3 million years glaciers have at one time or another covered around 30% of Earth’s land surface. Ice sheets grew to thicknesses of up to 8,000 feet and land bridges opened the way for humans and animals to migrate to areas now separated by vast expanses of seawater.

The beginning of the end of the last ice age began approximately 15 000 years ago when the earth warmed enough to start the gradual process of melting billions of tons of pack ice. This warming process is still underway if we consider the cyclic climate changes over a range of millions of years, we can reasonably conclude that we have up to two thousand years more of gradual warming.

Since the end of the last recorded ice age sea levels are now approximately 300 feet higher. Land bridges across the Australasian continent, European and African continents are now covered by seawater. With so much evidence of vast inland seas, it is hardly unexpected that before the current cycle of warming reaches its conclusion, we will see their return.

Contemporary and populist scientific thinking suggests that emissions during the last few hundred years of industrial development are causing a sudden and catastrophic global warming. This is such fundamentally flawed thinking given the irrefutable evidence demonstrating the fact humans are no more responsible for global warming than they are for creating the tides.

The true cause however is cause for speculation and theory because many other more logical possibilities suggest global cooling is the likely result of a global catastrophe such as a meteorite hit or mega-volcanic eruption. The eruption of the volcanic Krakatoa in the late 19th century is recorded as the loudest sound ever heard and the most violent volcanic activity in recent history. Tsunamis of stupendous magnitude wiped out coastal lowlands many thousands of miles away. Incalculably billions of tons of fine ash rose to stratospheric altitudes and the world experienced a mini ice age during which unprecedented cold temperatures and long winters lasted for a number of subsequent years.

Studies of volcanic activity over a period of millions of years rate the Krakatoa eruption as relatively low when compared with evidence of mega-eruptions covering thousands of square miles. Such eruptions occur as frequently as do impacts by large space rocks. We humans with our life span of less than 100 years barely register on the timeline of earth history. A frequency of catastrophic events cycling through even once in every one hundred thousand years will have a negligible meaning when compared with our short life spans. (Unless of course we are unlucky enough to be alive when the unexpected happens that is always a possibility)

The once in a hundred thousand year frequency is quite a different perspective when compared to 6 billion years or so that we estimate the earth has existed. This average means something in the order of 60 000 major and significant events somehow made changes of a magnitude such that life itself was extinguished on a global scale. The sudden and unexplained demise of dinosaurs is theorised as being the result of such an event.

The cause of global warming may not be certain however to believe humans are responsible is ludicrous as well as illogical. The convenient selection of facts to support populist opinion in order to satisfy the agenda of special interest and focus groups unfortunately has the ear of many world governments. Without the voice of reason, the folly of modifying our behaviour in order to appease the dictates of a global militant environmental movement will end up being a hugely expensive joke.