The Affects of Bad Air Quality on Body Health

An important consideration for any person is the quality of the air where he or she lives, works, or plays. More and more society is recognizing the important of good air quality and its relationship to the health of those people who live in it. Air quality is a measurement of the percentage of various particulates in the atmosphere that can adversely affect an individual’s overall health. This measurement serves as a warning to those who are sensitive and encourages people to restrict robust outdoor activity during times of increased pollution. What are the particular health risks that are connected with poor air quality?

Human beings require oxygen to live. The act of breathing requires the intake of the air that exists around where a person lives. When the air quality is poor, the people who live in it will breathe in this polluted air and it will affect the quality of their bodies. While the effects will vary depending on the overall health of the individual and his or her sensitivity, everyone is affected to one degree or another. The human body is designed to run on pure fuel sources, and just like putting in poor food or water will have a negative affect, the same is true when poor air is taken in.

People with asthma or similar bronchial diseases are particularly sensitive to the condition of the air which they breathe. Asthma is a disorder that reduces the flow of air through the lungs and can lead to shortness of breath and coughing. Lack of oxygen causes a person to be weak and unable to engage in regular physical activity. In some cases serious asthma attacks can be life-threatening, and they are brought on by breathing certain particulates in the air around them that are triggers. The poorer the air quality, the more likely that it will be filled with these particulates and the more likely that an asthmatic person will suffer to at least some degree. Poor air quality forces the asthmatic person to reduce outdoor activity and limits his or her quality of life.

The skin of a person interacts closely with the environment and is directly affected by the quality of the air. A high degree of particulates in the atmosphere will cause increased irritation to the skin and thereby lead to any number of skin problems. The skin acts as an important barrier to disease, and any negative affects on the health of the skin will lead to an increased risk of other diseases. In addition, poor air quality may allow more negative effects of the sun to impact the skin. This can lead to an increased risk of various skin cancers which vary in degree of danger, but can in some cases lead to loss of or limited use of certain parts of the body. Healthy skin is necessary to maintain overall health, and bad air can seriously affects its ability to do that job.

The effects of poor air quality increase over time with prolonged exposure. While these affects may not be immediately apparent, the regular damage will eventually show itself. If these affects are not treated early, the damage can be serious and the solutions may become riskier. Eye irritation is caused by an increase in certain particulates in the atmosphere. While this may not seem to be a serious problem, if not addressed, it can lead to damage to the eye and reduced quality of vision. Poor vision will result in a lower quality of life and can lead to certain safety and health risks. The eye is a sensitive instrument and the more it is exposed to particulate-filled air and harsher sunlight, the less likely it will operate as it is designed.

Prolonged exposure is also an important issue with regard to the lining of the lungs. Air particulates that are breathed in can damage the lining of the lungs, which can lead to infections of various kinds. The continuous exposure to poor air creates a continual irritation which prevents an individual from getting completely healthy. As illnesses linger over a long period of time, the body’s defenses weaken and are more easily overwhelmed by other viruses and contaminants. People who live in areas with poor air quality are unable to build up their defenses sufficiently to fight off disease and thus their quality of life is seriously damaged. The frustration of being unable to shake the affects from poor air quality can lead to depression that can also limit the ability of the body to fight off disease. The continual attack of poor air quality on the human body is such that unless the individual is able to move away permanently from the source of the bad air that person will most likely never recover full health.

Air quality is something that each person’s physical body must deal with every day. In order to remain alive, the body continually takes in air, and its quality has a serious effect on overall body health. The more hazardous particulates there are present in the air, the more damaging affects on the body. Bad air coming in through the lungs can affect breathing ability and stamina and lead to infections that sap bodily strength. Bad air quality can irritate the skin and allow damaging solar rays to prevent the skin from protecting the body from foreign invasion. The continual presence of bad air has a long-term damaging impact on the body that increases over time. Maintaining good air is a priority for every person so that all people involved will be able to live healthy and full lives.