Suprising Talents Animals Possess

Earth is full of many amazing things. Among those are the living beings that occupy it. While humans in their own right can be quite talented, animals often sport skills no human can imagine ever being able to have. These abilities that developed over thousands of years are often top even a fictional super hero’s gifts.

Still feared by many, though most myths of vampires are absolved, bats have some amazing talents. Not only are they the only flying mammal, but some are able to live off a diet of blood. One of the most unique adaptations these night flyers have is their ultrasonic squeak, which is used like sonar. The echo of this noise allows bats to navigate with sound waves. Their specialized, large ears are able to translate this to determine the size and shape of objects. Not only do they navigate with echolocation, but they are able to hunt for food with this. Insect eating bats sometimes eat up to 1,000 annoying bugs per night, keeping populations much lower than they would be otherwise.

Infrared cameras used by humans, needless to say, are an amazing invention showing the cool blue to hot red ranges of heat from objects or living beings. However, some snakes have the ability to detect heat without the use of any extra devices. Pit vipers, pythons and some boas have temperature receptors between the eyes and nostrils. These are called “pit organs” and can detect heat in the darkness from quite a distance. Their ability to see infrared heat radiation is possible with protein ion channels activated by heat from the bodies of their prey. The pit organ contains nerve fibers known as trigeminal ganglia. Though not all snakes possess this ability, the ones that do are able to be even better skilled hunters.

Among the many amazing extra senses animals may have, sharks are born with special cells in the brain that are sensitive to electric fields or impulses in water. This unique ability allows sharks to be some of the best hunters. This talent is called electroreception and allows sharks to pick up signals from a mile away. As fish move around they send tiny electrical signals through the water. Sharks are able to pick them up as water passes over their jelly-filled pores on their head called ampullae de Lorenzini. These are an extension of the sensory organ that stretches down the sides of their bodies. Being able to detect even minute gill movement, it’s no wonder that they are one of the most feared predators in the sea.

A very unique type of lizard lives in Central America that would suprise the unsuspecting. The Basilisk, sometimes called the “Jesus Christ lizard”, has the uncanny ability to run on the top of water using its hind feet. Being light weight, using its tail for added support and with flared feet, they take about 20 steps per second across the water. The younger smaller lizards can often run more than 15 feet before sinking, while an adult can only make it a shorter distance.  After submerging, these iguana relatives can stay under the water’s surface for about 30 minutes. On land these quick lizards can reach a speed of about 7 miles per hour. There is no doubt these reptiles have amazing talents.

Beautiful and quite tiny, hummingbirds are unique to their kind. With a joint between the upper and lower arm positioned very close to the body, they can hover in mid-air like no other bird. Flapping extremely fast, this special animal gets in anywhere from 15 to 80 flaps per second moving in a figure eight pattern. Also unlike most birds, these petite birds can fly backwards and upside-down all in order to position correctly to feed off plant nectar. Possibly in order to aid in finding these flower snacks, they can also perceive colors well outside of human visible range.

When people think of the mountains a few things might come to mind. Their voice echoing from each mountain peak and the howls of wolf packs through the trees. One might be surprised to find that although these two thoughts coincide, a wolf’s howl does not echo. Wolves have the unique ability to howl at just the right frequency and length to avoid an echo in order to be able to communicate properly with distant pack mates. Without this it is possible wolves would easily become separated and unable to quickly find one another in their own pack. That brings a whole new meaning to perfect pitch.

Talents come in many forms and in the case of animals, they use them well and to live their own lifestyles. From unique adaptations for hunting, to abilities for escaping from predators, humans cannot even come close to the skills that many animals possess.