Sunken Island in the Bahamas

Bimini, a small island group belonging to the Bahamas and located just to the east of Miami, Florida, is known as a vacation paradise and one of the world’s best deep sea fishing places.  Old sports-fishermen all remember American author Ernest Hemingway, who caught a 223 kg heavy tuna fish near Bimini in the 1950s.  Nevertheless, this island group in the Atlantic is the place of an archaeological mystery that has been fascinating scientists.  Evidence of a lost culture, possibly a silent testimony of a sunken continent rests deep down in the depth of the ocean.

Back in 1968, underwater scientists had discovered a 570 meter long, j-shaped structure made of huge stones, resting peacefully on the seabed.  Many geologists considered these stones to be a natural occurrence.  Some scientists, however, were convinced though, after examining the stones closely, that they were shaped by human hands about 12,000 years ago.

Huge blocks of stone, cyclopean walls, track-like structures and other oversized geometrical underwater formations sparked controversy amongst scholars.  The name Atlantis kept surfacing, especially since American visionary Edgar Cayce had predicted the discovery of Atlantis near Bimini.

While geologists such as American Neil E. Sealy insists that the underwater structures can only be of natural origin, archaeologists represent an opposing view.  American archaeologist David Zink had examined the seabed in 1974, discovering other remains in addition to the j-shaped wall, including a shaped stone with a tight head and grooved edges, and a piece of marble which probably originated from a sculpture.  Zink also recognized a geometrical pattern in the arrangement of the underwater rocks, reminiscent of the seven stars of the constellation of Pleiades.  

Columbus discovered the Archipelago of Bimini and met the tribe of the Arawak Indians during his second voyage (1493-1496).  The Arawak Indians told of a legendary kingdom, once the location of gushing fountains of youth, a place that was visited by the gods from the stars.  They spoke of an empire that existed well over 500 years ago, an empire that was swallowed by the great powers of the ocean. 

David Zink used unusual measures to help himself in the studies of the underwater structures.  Among his students were people of sensitive nature, who were supposed to return to that lost civilization mentally and in trance in an effort to help him retrieve the missing links to this puzzle.    During this experiment, the young people each reported their impressions individually.  Matching reports were analyzed in detail.  The results were astonishing and had Zink convinced that those walls of Bimini weren’t just a sacred place lost in the depth of the ocean but a spiritual consecration, a center of special energy.