Scientists Reportedly Crack Chicken or Egg Riddle

Which came first, the chicken or the egg.  Ah, the great philosophical questions of our time.  We have many deep questions that have perplexed the mind of scientists for what seems like eternity.  These great minds ponder answers to genetic riddles, finding the cures for diseases that have rampaged over mankind and many other mysteries throughout time.   However one fabled riddle reportedly has been cracked.  Can you believe we might finally know “Which came first, the chicken or the egg”?

Yes ladies and gentlemen, that age old line that people have spouted for decades, “hmm, I wonder which one really did come first” has been theoritically resolved by British scientists.  They claim to have come to a definitive conclusion and their answer is (drum roll please): The chicken!  The genuises behind this discovery? Researchers at Sheffield and Warwick universities, which was reported recently in the British newspaper, the Daily Mail.

So how was this brilliant discovery to the age old mystery revealed.  Well the scientists arrived at this conclusion based on the fact that there was a protein found that just happens to exist only within the ovaries of a chicken.  Without this particular protein being present, it becomes impossible for the female chicken to form the egg as we know it.  With this in mind, the scientists obviously jumped to the reasonable assumption that the egg could never exist without first having had a chicken and its protein to create it!

So let’s talk more about this mysterious protein that controls the delicate egg formation.  The particular protein in question does the job of racheting up the process of the development of the hard shell which we see on an egg when we purchase it.  The purpose of this protein is to help protect the delicate yolk and fluids while the chick grows inside the egg by means of the tougher outer shell.  Dr. Colin Freeman, who did research on this topic noted that “The protein had been identified before and it was linked to egg formation, but by examining it closely we have been able to see how it controls the process.” 

Another member of this research team, Dr. Colin Freeman who works at Sheffield University’s Department of Engineering Materials, also was quoted as saying “It had long been suspected that the egg came first but now we have the scientific proof that shows that in fact the chicken came first.”  Ah, and if you think the fun stops there, think again! Professor John Harding, who works in the same deaprtment as these other chaps said that this discovery could lead to other uses.  He said “understanding how chickens make egg shells is fascinating in itself but can also give clues towards designing new materials and processes,” and then went on to say “Nature has found innovative solutions that work for all kinds of problems in materials science and technology — we can learn a lot from them.”

With that comes the end to a question that puzzled many growing up. No longer will we be tormented by this strange and glorious mystery. Surely this will help you to sleep better at night, with visions of chickens and eggs clucking through your brain. What a relief!